Chapter 12

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Wared wasted little time after he left the hospital. He returned home immediately and locked himself in his room without even saying hello to his mother. For the next hour, he sat in front of his computer terminal, the memory card in hand. He wanted to put it into the reader, yet he hesitated. Tarun had obviously been afraid because of what he had seen on the card. Was it wise to look for himself? Would it scare him as well? Was it worth it?

When his mother knocked on the door to tell him she was leaving, he acknowledged her but ignored her follow-up question as to whether he was ok. He wasn't. Tarun's reaction said as much. It wasn't worth worrying his mother.

After another fifteen minutes, he rationalized that it would be better to know the danger that may be ahead than to be surprised. Surely that would be better than facing some unknown danger without preparation.

Resolved to face Tarun's fears, Wared inserted the memory card into his terminal and waited for its contents to load. Just as the file structure appeared, an incoming call filled his screen. It was Kyra. He smiled as he accepted the call, but when he saw her tear-streaked face, he felt butterflies in the pit of his stomach.

"What's wrong?" he said without even offering a greeting. "What happened?"

"I was hoping you could tell me," she said and started sobbing.

"I don't understand?"

"My father hold me, Wared."

"Told you what?" Wared was getting agitated. He had no idea what she was talking about.

"That our bonding won't be happening, that I can't see you anymore."

Wared felt a chill run down his spine. Something was wrong.

"I never said that."

"No, I know. He did, Wared, he did. But why would he? Why say one day that we're ok and then change his mind. What changed, Wared? What did you do?"

"Kyra, I swear, I didn't do anything. I don't know what you're talking about."

"'re lying," Kyra said and disconnected the call.

Wared stared at the dark screen, his mouth agape. What just happened? He called Kyra back but was sent directly to her voicemail. His second attempt was rejected outright. Frustrated, he stood up just as the door bell rang.

"Now what?" he grumbled and slammed the door to his room as he walked to the front door. He jerked the door open and was about to let loose on whomever dared ring the doorbell. Instead, he froze as he looked straight into the eyes of Henrin.

"We meet again," Henrin said and gave Wared a curt bow. "May I come in?" He didn't wait for Wared to answer and just walked straight past him.

"Hey," Wared said as he followed Henrin into the apartment. Three other men dressed in the black and red Protectorate uniforms followed. "I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Henrin turned on the spot and locked eyes with Wared. "No, I expect you didn't."

"Kyra just called," Wared said and pointed towards his bedroom.

Henrin raised his eyebrows. "Did she now?"

"Did she talk to you?"

"No. I talked to her."


"Have a seat, Wared," Henrin said and pointed towards the couch in the living room. Wared complied as Henrin paced around the room.

"The thing is, Kyra needs someone that is perfectly compatible with her."

"Yes, I thought that's what we—"

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