Chapter 13

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"Of course he's safe," Wared protested. "I was just at the hospital not long ago. That place is locked down."

"Yes, to protect from intruders. He's not safe from internal threats."

Shea nodded.

"I don't believe it. He's an elder now."

"That won't protect him now, not when Henrin has the memory card."

"I don't get it," Wared said and sighed.

Shea held Wared's gaze for several seconds. "I can't tell you the details, ok? I can tell you this. The Departure Protocol isn't what you think it is. If the truth came out right now, in the wrong manner, it could destroy our society.'t have much of a choice, do we? If my suspicions are correct, Tarun will be dead before long."

"Dead?" Wared jumped to his feet. "He can't die. Not now, not after everything he's gone through."

"He'd be dead anyway," Shea muttered and walked over to the window.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Forget it. I know this. If we don't get him out of there, he's as good as history."

"Are you out of your mind? There's no way to get him out of that hospital. I just told you it's locked down."

"Then we have to do it the hard way," she said and held up her gun.

"You are out of your mind."

"Do you have any other suggestions? I assume you want him to live, right?"

"Of course I do. I don't understand why you do."

Shea looked at Wared and then looked down. "There's more at play here than just what I want. Our society is at stake, Wared," she said and made a sweeping gesture around the living room. "All of this is in jeopardy."

Wared sighed . He looked at Shea. The concern he saw in her eye seemed genuine. Although she wouldn't say it, he felt certain she had a history with Tarun, that he meant more to her than she let on. Of course he wanted Tarun to live, he just wasn't sure whether he trusted her or not.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"Simple. Tarun will tell you himself. We just need to get to him."

"Fine. I'll play along. But, we'll do it my way. Let's call him," Wared said and crossed his arms.

"You want to call him? Do you really think they'll allow him to receive any kind of communication from the outside now?"

"There's only one way to find out, right?" Ward returned to the terminal in his bedroom with Shea close behind. He dialed Tarun's personal device and waited for the connection to be established. A ragged looking Tarun appeared on screen, concern evident in his face.

"Wared? Is that you?"

"It is. Listen, there's not a lot of time. I have—"

"Wared, I can't hear you, nor see you. Hello?"

Wared looked at Shea, then back at the screen. "It's me, uncle. It's Wared. Can you hear me?"

The image of Tarun disappeared, replaced by that of the wall or the ceiling. They heard voices in the background and protests from Tarun. Then the connection went dark.

"What just happened?"

"They cut the connection. Isn't that obvious?"

Wared tried reconnecting the call but it was refused.

"See what I mean? We have to get him out of there," Shea said and stood up.

He stared at the screen for a moment. "It're righ t. He would never just hang up on me.

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