Chapter 15: Adventures in Bangkok

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We ended up at Fah's place after we ate and explored the area a bit. She lived in a two-bedroom apartment that was located in Bangkok. The apartment itself was very modern, which I assumed was newly built. When we got to her place, she demanded that Non and Beth start pre-gaming, while she and I went to her bedroom to find something for me to wear. Beth and Non did not delay to scout out her kitchen.

I sat in a chair while I waited for Fah to grab clothes for me. Fah was searching through her compact closet, and soon enough, started throwing clothes at me, without actually ever looking in my direction. These dresses were so lovely, it made me wish I had stuff like this on-hand. As I was studying the clothing, Fah began talking, "Tabi why are you here in Thailand?" The question was out-of-nowhere, I wasn't sure how to respond, "I, uh, well..." Before I could finish my sentence, Fah interrupted, "You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable. I just noticed that throughout today you seemed to be out of it. I'm making sure you are okay."

"Oh... Yeah thanks Fah. I'm just stressing out a bit. I moved here with not much of a plan and I can't find a job, which means I can't find a place to live."

"Oh I see. Well, I don't know much about your background, but have you thought about volunteer work?" Jesus, not this again. I tried my best not to sound disgruntled, "Ha... Yeah, I tried that today... It didn't really work out."

"Hmm, I'm not sure what place you went to, however do you like animals?"

"What kind exactly?"

"Like any kind."

"Yeah, sure. I guess."

"I used to work at this animal rehabilitation center in Bangkok and I could give you their information. You can use me as a reference if you want too."

"HOLY SHIT REALLY? Sorry! Didn't mean to say that... But really?"

"Of course! And you know this apartment is two bedrooms, except my roommate is moving out. She's moving to Australia, anyways, if you got the volunteer job and needed a place to live, you could always be my roommate. Just a thought."

"Wait... You're serious? Fah that would be awesome! I mean, that would be really appreciated. But can I ask why? Like we barely just met today... What if I'm like a psycho and you don't know it yet?" Fah chortled at my question, therefore made me crack a smile.

"Your funny Tabi! You're not wrong! I don't know much about you, but we can get to know each other and I'll find out if you're a psycho later down the line." She gave a cheeky smile, "... Anyways we can talk about this later! You need to pick a dress already!"

"Oh right! Let's see... Hmm... This black one seems nice. Should I try it out now? Ummm, while you're in the room?"

"If we might be roommates, then yes, try it on!" I burst out laughing, "Okay, okay. Just turn around please!"


I threw the tiny black dress on. It had spaghetti straps and was actually pretty plain compared to all the rest of Fah's dresses. Once it was on I was relieved to see that it wasn't too short on me, luckily Fah was taller so I can't imagine how short this dress was on her.

"Okay, you can turn around now." Fah quickly spun around, and gawked at me, "Dammmmn Tabi! You look good!" I felt my cheeks getting hot, "Oh my God! Stop! But thank you!"

"You're welcome! I noticed that your feet are pretty small, so you probably won't fit into my shoes, buuuut those sandals you have been wearing today would still look great with the dress. So just wear those."

"Got it! Everything else looks okay then?" I did a little twirl after saying this. Fah looked me over, "Yeah. We're great! Now let's go pre-game!"

"Oh boy... Okay... Oh, quick question. Why doesn't Non talk?" Fah stopped before opening the door to the living room, and slowly turned around, "Don't tell him I told you this, but... He doesn't have a tongue." My body instantly went cold, "WHAT? Are you serious?"

"No, I'm just messing with you!" Fah was doubled over, she was coughing with how much she was laughing.


"OH GOD! That was hilarious! Your expression was priceless. No, but on a serious note, he doesn't know English so he just doesn't talk."

"What the... Really? Oh I thought he was just quiet. Wait, how do you know English then?"

"I lived in America during my high school years, but moved back here when I turned 18."

"Ohhh I see. Well, I'm glad Non has his tongue then."

"I still can't believe you believed me. I can't wait to tell Beth and Non about this..." Fah was saying all this as she was opening the door to the living room. Beth's ears perked up, "Say what?" Oh God... Here we go again.

• • •

We started off the night by bar hopping. I attempted to only have one drink at each bar, followed by a cup of water. I did not want to get "... FUCKED UP!" Like what Beth said, but I wanted to be coherent enough to know where I was. The nightlife here in Thailand was actually really fun. I wasn't sure what to expect, but you find all kinds of walks of life out here. From backpackers, to younger locals, there's a lot going on. I was informed by Beth that the location we were in was very popular among tourists at first, but throughout the years more residents have finally started flooding in.

As it got closer to 11:00 p.m. I was ready to call it a night, when Beth hollered out, "LET'S GO DANCING!" Damn it. I keep forgetting that I'm with a bunch of younger people who can handle their liquor and don't need sleep to function.

Fah began yelling for a taxi nearby. I looked over at Beth, "We're not staying in this area?" Beth leaned in closer to me, her breath reeking of alcohol, "Nopppeee! There's a petter areaaa for nightclubz that we headin' too!"

"And you're still good to party?"

"WHAT? COURSE I AM TABIIII!" Jesus, she was drunk. Fah shouted for me, Beth, and Non to come over to the taxi. We all scooted in and Fah spoke to the driver in Thai, I'm assuming she's telling him where our destination is. The driver responded in Thai and began driving to our next spot.

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