Underwhelmed.. overwhelmed? Maybe I'm just whelmed?

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I looked okay the whole night
But I wanted to cry the whole night
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this to us?
We're your family
And yet you talk down on us
We're always too something
Or not enough of another thing
What you do contradicts what you say
But you know what they say
'Do as I say, not as I do'

I couldn't pass up the chance
To cry all my tears out hence,
My heart aches a little less
My brain weighs a little less

The muffled cries not to awake your fam
They saw me smile most of the night
I'm alright fam
I'm not alright
And I think I know why
But I don't think it's all
You hurt me the most
But how I feel seems forbidden
You do so much for me
But you're never really there for me

I guess I don't really allow you two to be
Because when I tried to trust you
Your reactions did not show trust in me
So I keep to myself
I keep to my shell

I wish I could be me completely
But negative emotions apparently don't complete me
They seem alright when you feel them
Why not when I feel them?

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