Five x Reader - Together

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Summary: In Hotel Oblivion, trying to save the world once more, you can't help but wonder what Five sees in you.
Reader: can be read as any gender
Warnings: Five and Reader are both around their early to mid-twenties. SPOILER for Season 3 Episode 10, blood, sorta gore (you've seen the episode, you know why), slight angst, mentions of alcohol, mentions of death (again, you've seen the season)
Word count: 5 331
: I'm kinda not happy with this... I feel like it's lacking emotions. Maybe because I finished writing this at 3am, knowing I'd have to get up at 6am...Feedback is appreciated.

You and Five had always had a difficult relationship, this much you were well aware off. He had torn you out of your completely normal, ordinary, boring life, only to drag you from apocalypse to apocalypse. Maybe you should hate him for it, should wish he had not. Because then, in this timeline, you never would have been born. But now you were as much a paradox as the Umbrella Academy, only that you lacked any special powers. Unless making Five stick to your side like a puppy was a special power, of course, because ever since you had left Dallas, he would not leave your side. He had even insisted on sharing not only a room, but even the bed in the Obsidian. The first time you had tried to go to the bathroom, it had taken a lot of work convince him not to blink past the locked door. Still, you had been pretty certain that he had waited outside, nervously tapping his foot or fiddling around with one of his buttons.

If anyone else would have been as clingy as the undeniably genius but also equally undeniably mad hitman, you would have probably locked them in a broom closet by now, and thrown away the key.

But something about Five was different.

To the world he seemed like a snot-nosed young man, who believed he was better and more important than everyone else in the world. He seemed cold, calculating, manipulative. And maybe he was, to a certain level. But he loved nobody more than his family; he was ready to do everything for his family.

Except endanger you.

You had lost count on how many occasions he had thrown himself in the line of fire for you, had defended you against flying bullets and insults alike. When anyone else asked for an explanation to some crazy theory he had just blurted out, they were ignored, but whenever you asked, he patiently broke down his idea into humanly understandable phrases. What impressed you most about him though was how he was able to keep up with you, with your sarcasm and stupid jokes, how he was not fed up with you after five minutes, like most of the other people. He just rolled his eyes playfully, or even played into your sarcasm, making you laugh. These past days you had gotten the feeling he liked it when you laughed.

And so you grew more attached to him. It had only been a few weeks, but you had grown to like the strange man more than you had ever expected to like anyone, and it had taken seeing him die, the old version of him anyway, to realise you loved him. Well, maybe love was a strong word, but you were certain, given enough time, those feelings thrumming in your chest eventually would turn into love. Did you want to love him thought? Most certainly not. Not in the beginning at least, when you had thought someone like him could never even remotely understand the feeling of your heart beating faster at the mere thought of the other. But after Luther's wedding, when everyone had been dancing, he had grabbed your hand, and pulled you close. You could smell alcohol on his breath, but his eyes were clear, this thoughts not yet jumbled by the drug.

"No matter what happens in the next days," he had whispered into the small space between you, "No matter what happens- I'll always be by your side. Where you go, I go. I can't lose you, not now that I found you."

You had looked up at him then, into his crystal blue eyes, how he had watched your face at his words, and for a moment you had thought he would kiss you, had hoped he would kiss you. But then he had wrapped his arms around you, and pulled you into his chest, hugging you tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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