Ghost!Ben x Ghost!Reader - Someone

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Existing in a world of the living as a ghost, you feel like someone is missing from your side.
: mentions of drugs (well.. it's Klaus) and death (uhm bc ghosts?)
count: 2 045


Klaus jumped up so quickly that he almost fell out of his bed. The bright sunlight that was shining into his room was blinding and hurt his eyes, mostly, but not only, due to the terrible hangover he was suffering from.


He blinked and noticed two figures standing at the end of the bed. One was Klaus's deceaced, adopted brother Ben, and the other was you, the also deceased neighbor, who the Hargreaves kids had been friends with for as long as they could think. Now both ghosts stood in Klaus' room, staring down at him in worry. Klaus usually loved his sleep but today your obnoxiously loud and off-key singing had woken him up for good; saved him from the lost souls that chased him in his nightmares.

"You were screaming," Ben explained, crouching down to his brother. "Did you hurt yourself?"

Klaus shook his head no and slowly untangled himself from his blanket, earning an unnerved screech from you.

"Seriously, you sleep in a shirt but without pants?"

You turned away, deciding that it was too early in the day to be faced with Klaus' bare legs in all their pale beauty.

Ben just chuckled.

"You hang around all the time anyway," Klaus answered, reaching for the hand Ben had offered him, but was only met with thin air, causing him to sigh and get up by himself. "I bet you peek when I take a bath!"

"Oh, he's fine," you answered Ben's question that had originally been directed at Klaus. "If he can hit on a dead person this early in the morning, he's fine."

And with these words you left the room. Through the wall.

Ben watched as Klaus wandered over to the chair by his desk and grabbed a flower skirt which he put on.

"Oh man, seriously?"

"What? Flowers match my aesthetics!"

"I meant the stupid lines you throw at (y/n) all the time. You know they don't like it! You're just gonna chase them away eventually," Ben complained.

"Oh, they know it's just banter," Klaus disagreed, "and you're just jealous that you don't have the courage to be so open."

Ben's eyes widened, and he almost would have jumped forward to cover Klaus' mouth with his hands to make him be quiet, but it would not have made a difference anyway since he was not made of matter.

"Shh," he hissed instead, "They might hear you!"

"Oh come on," Klaus threw his hands in the air, "did you still not tell them you like them? I didn't raise you to be such a coward!"

"Yeah, you didn't raise me at all," Ben spit back, "and it doesn't have to do anything with cowardice, just so you know."

"Oh really, then why didn't you tell them yet?"

Ben sighed, not sure what to answer. He did like you, very much in fact. But you were friends, and if he confessed that he liked you... the usual problems anyone who had ever been in love with their friend. But with the little additional problem that both of you were dead. For all eternity. You would both be stuck together in this weird situation until the end of time.

In the meantime, oblivious to the conversation that was going on in Klaus' room, you were wandering around the Hargreaves mansion. Sometimes it upset you that you had no possibility to talk to anyone, other times you had fun commenting on the inhabitants' routines the same way a sports reporter would, but today you were content just strolling around the house.

The Umbrella Academy x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now