Five x Reader - Wingmen (Part Two)

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Summary: Five introduces you to his siblings
count: 1 794

It was one of the precious days in the lives of the seven Hargreeves kids when their father was not home. He had flown to Europe in a matter that he obviously kept to himself, leaving the adopted siblings and Mom behind in the huge mansion.

It was almost six pm, when the teenagers piled into their favorite shop, Griddy's Doughnuts. Grace, Mom, had allowed them to stay out late, so they did not have to be home before bedtime. This would have been unthinkable while Reginald Hargreeves was in the house, since he insisted on strict discipline. The siblings had the feeling that Pogo had something to do with the permission to go out over the evening, since otherwise Grace's programming surely would not have allowed them this freedom, but none of the seven mentioned it.

Now they were squeezing into a booth by the window. On the one side sat Ben next to Klaus and Luther, who had his arm wrapped around the shoulders of Allison, and on the other side Vanya leant against the cool glass of the window, Diego had already pulled out one of his knives, and Five sat at the aisle, his eyes darting around the room to see whether he could spot you.

The air still felt warm after the sunny afternoon, but without the direct sunlight it already got a bit chilly. You hurried down the street towards the doughnut shop, and smiled to yourself, when you saw the Hargreeves siblings sitting inside, knowing without doubt that your boyfriend Five would be with them. Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of him, making you grin as you realized how much in love you were with the young man.

And today you would tell his siblings about your relationship with each other.

The last time Five and you had met, you had decided that it was time for you to tell them. He had asked you to do your job as usual, but when you came over, to kiss him, or hug him, or anything else that made it clear that you two were together. You had agreed to his idea, and even though you felt nervous, fearing his siblings would consider you not good enough for him, you were excited to do this.

You entered the doughnut shop from the back door and quickly pulled over your pink apron, stepping out of the kitchen behind the counter exactly in time for your shift to start. Agnes, the woman who had been on shift before you, gave you a soft smile, and said goodbye before disappearing in the back.

Standing up straight, you looked over the guests. There were two elderly ladies chatting quietly in a corner by the window, some dude in his mid-forties with a baseball cap was sitting at the counter, stirring his coffee, a group of young women had their heads stuck together at a table in the middle of the room, and of course there were the Hargreeves, sitting by the door, laughing and chatting.

There was not much to do, the man with the baseball cap waved you over for a refill, and the two ladies left the shop, but apart from that your first thirty minutes were quiet. Leaning against the counter you watched the customers who were left, to see if someone's plate was empty, or if they were waving for you, but most of the time you were watching Five. His siblings were laughing; the seven seemed relaxed, for once not getting into each other's hair, and even Five smiled occasionally, trying not to look over to where you were standing.

When the group of young women had emptied their plates, you collected them, and they asked you for some milkshakes, which you were happy to prepare. You liked making milkshakes. Something about it, especially the decorating with whipped cream, sprinkles and fruit made you feel like you were in a movie.

Carrying out the tablet with the tall glasses, you noticed that some of the Hargreeves' plates were empty. So after you had served the milkshakes and settled up, you walked over to their table, knowing it was now or never.

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