Five x Reader - Rooftops

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Word count: 2 050
Who would have thought I would get to finish this today? Not me! Also sorry for the bad writing, especially in the end. It's bc I've been trying to get myself to write, but I don't really have the motivation or inspiration -.- At least I tried.

It was one of these calm, lazy afternoons, of which the Hargreaves kids never got enough, when Five sat at the open window that lead to a small part of the roof that was accessible. He was watching you and his brothers Ben and Klaus, all of you sitting and joking, occasionally shoving each other playfully.


Five still vividly remembered how he met you the first time. It had been during one of their missions, a hostage-taking that had gone south.

When the criminals had noticed that their goal was being threatened by the involvement of the Umbrella Academy, they had installed bombs, and ordered the victims up onto the highest floor of the building.

While his siblings had fought the hostage-takers, Five had been ordered, and he hated that order, to save the civilians by teleporting them out. He guessed it was the safest way, considering the bombs that were waiting to be ignited downstairs, so he had followed the orders of his adoptive father, and had left the fighting to his siblings.

The last two people, who were left, were two kids who seemed to be siblings. One of them was around his age, the other, a girl, barely six years old. He was only able to transport one person at a time, since more people would slow him down too much, so when he had offered to get the older girl out first, she had rejected and instead fiercely insisted, he should take their younger sister.

Five had had no time for arguing, so he had taken the little girl's hand and teleported them out. The moment his feet had touched the ground outside, a deafening explosion had rattled through the air, and the windows of the building had been blown out, together with lots of dust.

He had barely noticed the argument his siblings, who had already regrouped outside, immediately had gotten into, since his only thoughts had been directed at the person who was still in the building. Faintly he remembered his father having shouted something about one of the criminals who had escaped, and Allison having noticed the determined expression on Five's face, asking him what he was up to, but he had already made up his mind, and a second later he had been back on the highest floor of the building.

The ground underneath his feet had been shaking, making him try to keep his equilibrium but the building was collapsing, so he just had tried to spot the kid as quickly as possible. Dust and parts of the ceiling had been coming down already, and just a few seconds later he had spotted the young person.

Through the crashing down ceiling you barely saw Five coming for you, until suddenly he had closed his hand around your wrist, and with a strange pulling in your chest, you had found yourself outside the building, just in time before it had crashed down in on itself.

A week later, after you and your sister had been released from the hospital, and all the shock had settled, the two of you had appeared at the Umbrella Academy, carrying flowers and chocolates as a thank you gift for the siblings.

Since it was Grace who had opened the door for you, she invited you inside politely, and that's how you got to know the family.

Your sister was equally in love with all seven of them, and you had to admit that Five had somewhat stolen your heart a little, but you also got along perfectly with Ben, Klaus and Vanya.

While the other three, Diego, Luther and Allison, showed your sister around the house, you sat down with the other four in the library, and for the first time in their lives, they got to know somebody outside the Umbrella Academy.

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