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^^art by me <3

Just to clear up a few things before we start so that nobody gets confused,

—This story takes place in the early/mid 2000s (2005-2006) and so many things will be outdated. I am not an expert on things from back then, so I may get some things wrong, such as technology from that time. Correct me if you notice anything incorrect.

—Since it's set during the early/mid 2000s, the way things are will be different than now. For example, the LGBTQ+ was seen differently than it is now. Now of course, it isn't as bad as like the 80s, but it's still seen in a different way. There will be some homophobia present, but not extremely often, and will typically be minor. However there may be some that is quite extreme. There will always be a trigger warning for these scenes. I do not support homophobia in any way, however, I am trying to represent the time period accurately as I can. Overall, expect ignorant language to be used at times.

—Yes, this is supposed to be a bit cheesy at times, as it is kind of inspired by early 2000s rom-coms and teen movies. But of course, expect more serious things too.

—This story switches through multiple perspectives throughout. The character name will be written in bold at the beginning of their perspective to indicate that they're narrating. If there is no character name written, then it's in third person—unless it's in the middle of a chapter, in which it will indicate that it's in third pov.

—Link and Zelda are their Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom incarnations.

That's pretty much all I can come up with as of right now.


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