Chapter 1

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Azura Satsuki's pov
My alarm clock woke me up from my beautiful sleep with that annoying beep sound. I groaned and got up from my bed dragging the sheets along which were tangled around me.

I went into my bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. The warm water made me sigh in relief. As soon as my little shower was over, I slipped into a pair of black denim shorts and a white tank top with a cardigan.

When I went downstairs the smell of chocolate pancakes hit my nostrils making me moan in delight. My mom turned around and smiled at me, "Honey come eat your breakfast soon, we don't want you to be late to school now, do we?".

I looked at the clock and my eyes widened in realization. "Shit! I'm late." My mom frowned "I do not tolerate such words young lady." "Aww come on I just said shi-" she cut me off " do not cuss!" I just muttered an 'I'm sorry' and went near the dinning table where those delicious pancakes were placed .

It's already 8:10. I've only got 10 minutes more. I grabbed one of my pancakes and slung my school bag on my shoulder. I bid good bye to my mother and went to my neighbour's house.

Ren Raiden is my bestie who lives next door. I've spent almost my whole life with him. Also he's always been there for me when my parents were not with me since they are travelling most of the time. Sometimes I feel like I'm having a bodyguard.

He might seem all tough outside but deep inside he's a real softie. I love him as a friend although I've got to admit that I have a little crush on him. Argh...let's just forget it....His parents are always working (like mine, though my mom stays once in a while ~_~) so they trust me with him most of the time.

I knocked on the door and after a few seconds he opened it. He almost gave me a nosebleed coz there he stood in all his shirtless glory with water dripping down his wet hair. "Y-you why do you come out dressed like that? Geez you will catch a cold. Go inside right now and come back dressed fully! ". He looked at me with amusement and smirked, "why should I? Do you not like the view? "
"I don't . Hurry up! We're already late and I don't want to miss my first class because of you."

I tried to act like it was not a big deal but my tomato red face said otherwise. He's generally very reserved but at times like these he just loves to tease me.....a lot!

He smirked again making me scowl in annoyance.
"Fine don't get all grumpy azu chan" with that said he left and came back with his stuff. We went to his garage, unlocked it and got on his bike. He turned on the ignition key and the vehicle roared to life. With that we left to school, to Hakusen academy.

Please do bear with all the grammatical errors (it needs heavy editing). Also I'm definitely not a good story writer so I don't know how it'll turn out ^.^!

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