Chapter 14

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"Well....uh...that's a-actually" he stuttered making me look at him suspiciously.

"Take it out Ren" I said thinking he was hiding something from me. He remained silent so I grabbed whatever it was. He groaned.

"A-azura....leave it" he whispered, his face looking as if he was in pain. I grabbed his blushing red face in my hands and made him look at me. His eyes were darker than usual and he was taking deep breaths like he was trying to calm himself down.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"No" he said. " Why? Are you sick? " I asked, pressing my forehead to his.

He didn't answer but grabbed my hands, wrapped them around his waist and nestled his face in my chest. My heart started beating heavily and I was still disturbed by the poky thing.

"Um Ren, could you please show what it is because it's disturbing me"

"Sorry but I can't show you now" he said,  his voice muffled against my chest.

"Why?" I whined getting frustrated.

He pulled away from me and whispered in my ear, "because......"

'Because? ' I waited as he paused.

"If you want me to take you right now, right here then it's fine by me" It took me some time to register what he said and my eyes widened from shock and realization.

'Oh lord! Why are you so dumb Azura?' I scolded myself mentally.

"I-I'm sorry? " I said but it came out more like a question.

"Just stay like this for sometime" he whispered hugging me tightly.


"Azura chan~" the door opened with a loud bam. Nozomi.

"Hey there. what's up?" He asked smiling awkwardly. I was relieved yet disappointed.

"Nothing much" I said chuckling while trying to push Ren away but he just pulled me more closer and kissed me right in front of him.

The nerve of this guy.

I used all my force and tried pushing him once more. Keyword: tried.  But he didn't budge. Not one fucking bit.

"Ok maybe um I'll come after s-sometime" Said a clearly embarrassed Nozomi and left.

"What's wrong with you? " I asked, panting,  when his lips left mine. 

"I don't like him. he wants to take you from me" he stated through gritted teeth.

"Are you jealous?" I asked, smirking a bit.

Silence. He was playing with my fingers, his bangs covering his face.

"So you are jealous! " I said happily.

"Yes I am! I want to fucking kill him. " he said it so calmly that it sent shivers down my spine. Then I lifted his chin and saw that he was serious.

"Ren I love you, Not him and I want only you no one else" I confessed. This made him extremely happy as gave me one of his rarest beautiful smile giving me those butterflies in my stomach.

"Now let's get back to work" I said looking at my half-completed homework.

"Yes but you still have something to take care of " he said making me frown in confusion.

"This" he said grinding his hard-on against me.


"I'm hungry" he stated.

"T-then I'll make some cookies" I stuttered.

"I appreciate it but I want to devour you" he said making my heart stop.

"I-idiot" I muttered pushing him away and running out the door hearing him chuckle.

"I'm going to shower now. Wanna join? " I heard him yell.

"No thanks and I'm going to bake cookies" I yelled back now sprinting down the stairs.

Perverted baka. Moreover I'm still embarrassed by the little incident when Nozomi barged in. But it was his fault. He should've knocked on the door first. What business could he have with me? And yes now that I remember I need to talk to him about the letter and the thing that happened at Ren's house.

With these thoughts swirling in my head I walked to the kitchen cupboard taking some flour for the cookies. My stomach grumbled lowly from hunger.

I took a bowl and started filling it with flour.

"Hey there" chirped Nozomi walking into the kitchen.

"Hi" I replied awkwardly. 'Why do I always meet him in kitchen? ' I thought laughing a bit.

"Is something funny? "He asked smiling.

"Nothing" I said.

"Are you cooking something? "

"Yes. Chocolate cookies"

" Wonderful! I love them" he said giving me his cute closed eye smile. I would love to have a younger brother like him if it wasn't for his evilness.

"I'm sorry about earlier. What did you want to talk about? " I asked blushing a little remembering Ren's kiss.

"Nothing much just wanted to get to know more about this place " he said shrugging.

"I see". 'Should I ask him about the letter ? ' yes you should  said my conscience. 'But this may not end well and I haven't even told Ren about this' grow some women balls and  do it. It's now or never.

I decided to go with my inner voice.

"Um Nozomi?"

"Hmm?" He hummed.

My hands were getting clammy from nervousness and a small drop of sweat trickled down my forehead.

"Is something wrong? " he questioned.

I slowly withdrew the piece of paper from my pocket and unfolded it.

"So you found it huh?" He asked.

"It was you after all. I should've known better than to trust you" I said raising my voice a bit. Anger overtook my nervousness.

He remained silent.

"Why would you even do it?  You threatened to kill Ren and the others! You also said that I was yours when I never was and never will be!  What did I do to you? " I shouted.

This seemed to infuriate him as he harshly shoved me against the refrigerator.

"Listen. I never threatened to kill him. I never will" he said , his voice soft at the end.

"But you told me yourself the other day at Ren's house that you'll kill him if I told anyone about it! If it wasn't you then who is it?"  I shouted trying to push him away.

He put his hand over my mouth and held both my hands above my head with his other one. Needless to say,  I was very scared.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out and let me tell you one thing Stay. Away.  From.  Ren. " he said stressing each word while removing his hand from my mouth.

"Why are you doing this? I thought of you like a brother " I asked tears spilling from eyes slowly.

"Because I love him"

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Shit ass plot. I'm here for the fluff obviously.

So don't judge me ( ̄^ ̄ )

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