Chapter 9

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(Azura's pov )

It's been a month since Mr.patrick's death and all the talk about him has pretty much died down. I haven't heard anything about him since then.

Did the police drop the case? Just like that? Holidays are gonna end. There's hardly two weeks left. I was consumed in my random thoughts when my phone rang with a beep sound. It was a text.

I quickly picked it up thinking it was Ren. But to my surprise, it was from mom! The message read,

"Papa and I are coming home tonight. We're really excited to meet our cute daughter and I've got a surprise for you. I hope that you haven't messed anything up at home. See you later sweety"

Oh shit! I totally forgot about it! I looked around my room to find all my clothes scattered on the floor. Chips packets lying here and there with some slipping out. My bed was a mess. Everything was out of place.

I went downstairs and looked at the horrid scene before me. The living room was messed up too but not as bad as my room. Kitchen was the only place which was clean and that was because I never went anywhere near it. I sighed deeply.

I went back to my room and flopped on the bed.

What am I going to do??????? How am I going to clean this up, all alone! Wait......all alone?

I jumped out of my bed and ran to Ren's house. I knocked on the door impatiently waiting for him to come out. He came out after a few seconds.

"Come on in Azura.What happened?" He asked looking at my tensed self.

"I'll tell you but have do it alright?" I said and just walked past him and sat on the couch making myself comfortable. He sat next to me.

I quickly grabbed both his hands and looked at him giving my best puppy eyes that I could muster.

"W-what Azu - chan? He asked moving back a little, probably from the evil glint in my eyes.

"I need your help Renny."

"Help with?"

"Help with cleaning my house cause my parents are coming home today."

He sighed in relief, "That's all?" He asked.
" Yup~ That's all" I said grinning at Ren who stood in my living room with mouth agape and shoulders slumped.

"What happened Ren? You'll do it for me right?" I asked coming a little closer to him with my creepy smile.

"O-of course", he said gulping.

"Now for my room......"I trailed off grabbing his hand and leading him upstairs.

When I opened my room, his eyes went wide but he maintained his calm demeanor.


" Hmmm?"

He cleared his throat before speaking, "I think I-I'm not feeling well"

"Are you backing out now, Ren kun? Hmm?" I asked him with that creepy smile again.

"We just have to clean the hall and my room. I thought that you could help me, after all you're just going to sit and watch tv. So, why don't we do something fun together? ~" I finished.

"But there are other fun thin-" I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips.

"I know where you're going with this talk, now hurry up. Let's finish it by 7:00 ok?"

He nodded his head.

(Time skip)

"Finally. .....Finally!!!! We did it Ren! We did it!" I jumped up and down and squealed. I turned around to find a very gloomy Ren with dark aura seeping around him.

"Aww come on Ren. Look at it. It's sparkling clean. I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for you. Thank you sooo much". I said hugging him.

He returned the hug and smirked, "You know, I've worked so hard and....."

"And?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm really tired, so....." he paused again.


"I should definitely expect some reward right? After all I worked my butt off for you" He said tightening his arms around my waist.

"Sure thing Renny but what do you want?" I asked giggling slightly.

"What I want is...." he never finished his sentence as he gently pressed his lips against mine.
I pulled him closer and bit his lower lip causing him to groan.

Ding dong

I immediately pulled away from him.

"They're here Ren!!!" I wispher-shouted.

Both our clothes were dirty and drenched with sweat.

"What do I do?" I asked him.

"Just open the door" he said nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay". I went and opened the door and was greeted by my family.

"Hi Azura dear. How have you been?.........Why are your clothes so sweaty and dirty?" My mom asked eyeing my clothes.

"Hmmm...actually. ...Ren and I were jus-"

"Cleaning up the house, Satsuki-san. Welcome back",He said politely.

"Oh I see. Thank you dear" my mom said beaming at him.

"Hello sweety. Hi Ren" my dad greeted us to which we both smiled. I went over and hugged him causing him to scrunch up his nose.

"Sweety, you definitely need a shower " My dad said making me laugh.

"I know dad. I was hugging you on purpose".

All the while I didn't notice the person standing behind my mom and dad. I looked behind my dad to find a boy about my age or maybe a little younger standing behind him.

"Oh I'm sorry Nozomi kun. Meet Azura, my daughter and her bestie, Ren. Azura, Ren, this is Nozomi Takahiro." Said my mother.

I smiled and shook his hand, "Nice to meet you Nozomi-kun".

"Nice to meet you too, Azura"

I looked at Ren to find him glaring at Nozomi. I nudged his right arm and he looked at me.

Nozomi held his hand out to Ren and I slightly pushed him to shake his hands with him. Ren reluctantly shook his hand to which Nozomi just smirked.

Seriously? What's wrong with Ren? And why is this boy here? As if hearing my thoughts, my dad said, " He'll be staying here with us from now onwards".


"So make sure to treat him well and he'll be attending your school in the meantime", mom added.

No. I certainly don't want a stranger in my house but this boy is polite and cute like a little brother . So I guess it's fine. But I know that Ren definitely wouldn't like this considering how he reacted earlier.

"Is it ok honey? " my mom asked.
I simply nodded and said, " welcome home Nozomi-kun "

"Please take care of me, Azura-chan" he said smiling happily.

( That's how I pictured Nozomi to be )

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Wrote a long chapter this time since it's been quite sometime.

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