Author's Note and dedication

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Wow, it's like 5 months ago when I couldn't even finish a simple story, but now here I am, publishing two consecutive 15-chapter stories.

Yaay, motivation goes brrt brrt.

So, I'll keep this short, this book is a prequel of one of my works, "I knew you from a dream", you can go check it out if you haven't read that, but if you did, you might wanna do a little refresher since I published that almost like a year ago.

This story is actually derived from a lot of inspirations, various beliefs and religions. One of those being polytheism, reincarnation and the afterlife.

Concepts like this which are derived from a lot of fiction dramas like Goblin, and some ideas that I used to come up with this story is from another fiction book from Wattpad, written by Binibining Mia, "Our Asymptotic Love Story".

For my Filipino readers, notice that the title is a Filipino word which I found really beautiful and fitting for this story as a Filipino, myself.

And for my readers from other parts of the world, don't you worry because this story will still be in full English as I want to reach a wider variety of alternate universe readers.

A quick disclaimer about this book, it tackles a lot about believing in multiple gods so if that makes you uncomfortable, or if you're strictly Christian or Catholic and refuse to read any material that discusses having any other god than the Creator, I suggest that you don't read this book.

I am quite young and only write for fun so I don't appreciate any comments that would bring criticism or hate to my works for that can cause another hiatus for me.

But I do like those readers who express their feelings towards a character in the comment section, it makes me feel like I'm watching them read my story,

So if ever you're wondering, yes, I read your comments one by one so don't be shy and go flood the comments with how you feel.

Anyways, I think that's all. This was galaxie, leaving you with a saying

"In some places, we're meant to stay forever. Although some places are mere stopovers- and that is normal because it's life. But one day, you'll meet someone, and for a while, time just stops. You start praying that they're the home that's meant to stay with you forever. But the reality is, some people are meant to come to our life just to leave. So if ever they leave, never blame yourself for it, because maybe, it just wasn't meant to be. What's not meant to be yours will never be yours, so don't blame it on yourself, blame it on destiny.

Why are people even meant to meet but not meant to stay?

Well maybe, just maybe, they were there to teach you a lesson. It might be difficult to let go right now, but somewhere down the end of the road, if the two of you were really for each other, then maybe you'll get back together but if not, then I'm sure destiny removed that person in your life to replace them with the person that's really meant for you. The person meant for you will be brought back to you by the circumstances, but the person who isn't will only become a happy memory. Never chase; what's meant for you will be yours in the right time."


Sincerely No Copyright intended

Any names and characters are completely fictitious and are a product of my complete imagination.

Any events, ideas, and names that may have similarities to the real-life are purely coincidental.

I do not appreciate copying and pasting my books into different platforms, anyone who will do so will face legal consequences.

All rights reserved 2022

- galaxie_0917

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