Chapter 1 - The duel

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"Standing here before me is a traitor to his duty, to the throne and to his own country. Blood traitor, state your name," the judge's voice echoed in the huge hall.

At this point, everyone from the nearby towns was watching, it was the trial of their most beloved General and today was the final trial wherein the judge would be announcing what punishment the criminal is going to receive.

"I am General Kanemoto Yoshinori, your honor," the fearless general spoke clearly

Standing in front of a lot of people in this room didn't phase him, whatever penalty they might give, he was, at that time, willing to accept it. Because in his mind, after the death of his dearest best friend who treated him as his own brother, what more could he possibly lose?

"You are hereby being judged for the sins of tolerating and not speaking a word about the prince breaking the law that states that a royal blood must not have any affiliation nor even to have any physical contact with a commoner, most especially when that common girl comes from an enemy country." the judge with a round belly read the scroll,

The general stood there confidently, his back wasn't slouching and his head held high, a typical stance of a modish soldier.

"You have said that you are a General, more so, a personal guard of the prince. You fought with him in our battle against the same country where that common girl came from. So you must know these laws by heart? Even with your eyes closed and even in your sleep you know these laws well, General." it is clear in the judge's voice that he was rather disappointed

"Yes, your honor. I am well aware of these laws," Yoshinori only nodded and spoke calmly

The judge sighed and nodded in disappointment. He opened another scroll and read it out loud once again,

"You are also hereby being judged for the sin of neglecting your duty, which is to protect the prince, on the day of the execution of the common girl Choi Areumin. Your negligence led to the prince breaking free and making himself a sacrificial offering to spare the low life of this girl, when he was supposed to be securely tied to you. Royal blood was spilled on that day in exchange for the meaningless life of a girl. The incident all boils down to you, the guard who was supposed to be thinking about the prince's life above anything else. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Not that this would bring him back but just so everyone would know, including you, your highness..." the general gestured to the queen who was crying at the reminiscence of her son's death.

"...But the prince Hamada Ashiro pleaded to me. He asked me to let him loose, which I willingly did and with every ounce of me, I regret that it led to his death. But if by any chance, it would have a different ending, with all of my heart, I do not regret granting the prince's request to see his love for one last time," he finished off gracefully, earning a few appalled remarks from the public while others agreed.

"The criminal admitted his own doings, therefore he is hereby announced guilty with his punishment being..." There was a short pause, the people had their hands clasped in anticipation, while the general only closed his eyes. He was well aware of the process of jurisdiction since he once stood in this courtroom, testifying against rebels that he caught with his own hands.

"Execution by hanging," the judge finished. Everyone in the courtroom expressed their lament for their beloved General, everyone was saddened and phased by the news, except the General Kanemoto himself.

"He is to be hanged tomorrow at sunrise, right in the middle of the city for everyone to see what happens to a blood trait-," the judge couldn't finish his statement because he was interrupted by the queen. Everyone looked at her, she was now standing.

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