chapter 16

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Donovan had been flying for a few days. He knew the territories, and where exactly Alister's borders were. When he came to the edge of neutral land, and was coming up close to the rival Alpha's territories, he saw the patrol signalling him down. Donovan grit his massive teeth, seething that someone with as much power as a human mall cop was haulting his progress.

Before he could even think of bipassing them, a flurry of movement had him hovering in place. A sparrow tweeted, hovered, and flitted in his face, moving from eye to eye, threatening to peck at him if he didn't stop. The bird turned, and made sure he knew to follow. So Donovan did.

On the ground, the dragon was met with vampires, dressed in denim and leather. They looked more like hunters than vampires, fit and strong features that spoke of sun and hard work. One had blonde hair so light it looked like snow, and eyes blacker than cole. He had fair skin, a few scars decorating his jaw and neck. His partner was a woman with long red and purple dread locks that accented her dark brown skin and blue eyes perfectly. 

The woman held out a set of clothing, pressed, hung, and in a coat bag. 

"Pellegrine sent you?" Donovan growled. The transformation from beast to human was a matter of minutes, and virtually painless. He snatched the clothing and pulled it on with his back to them.

"Mrs. Pellegrine thought it would be good for you to be met with a warm reception." the woman said. The sparrow went and sat on her shoulder, hopping around and watching Donovan with interest. 

"My family?" Donovan felt the lapel of his jacket, and saw the man held out a pair of shoes. These were either all new, or a borrowed pair from Alister. Either way, Donovan would burn everything once we was finished here. He pushed his hair out of his face and braided it back quickly to give him a neat appearance.

"They're well." the woman replied, taking out a black, hand rolled cigarette and tucking it between her lips.  "Your woman is a hoot. She's really taking the reigns of Matron seriously."

The man motioned to a jeep that was parked underneath some trees, and the gravelled path that lead into the forest. The woman climbed in the driver's seat, her partner hopped in back and they both looked pointedly at Donovan. He slid in shot gun and they went on their way.


What he found at the house was better than he expected. Happy children squealing and running around, Randy and Simmy looking well rested, and his younger siblings looked untouched. A healer was pealing what looked like a cast off Brandon's arm, causing him to frown at it.

The pair who had lead him in, entrusted him to the other guards in the house, and went on with their duties of patrolling the borders.

Jass Pellegrine was sprawled on the couch, her youngest in her arms the babe nestled between her arm and breast to sleep. He caught movement on the floor and saw Sam. At first look he had mistaken her for one of Alister's creatures, he spotted scales and fur but her scent told him otherwise. When the vampiress was awaken by his approach, she reached over and stroked Sam's arm.

"Sweetheart... Look who's here." she purred. 

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