Chapter 4

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A/N: the following chapter will have a bit of gore and violence. Nothing too detailed or extreme. Enjoy!

prt 4

I held the square plastic box, it's handles cutting the circulation off to my fingers. My head was feeling substantially better and I was ready for the interview.

Today I looked like an actual business woman. An adult.

Black knee length pencil skirt, white blouse with a broad pointed collar, silk scarf, three and a half inch heels, and tights that matched the scarf around my neck. My hair was pinned in a neat stylish bun, and a few stray strands were styled to frame my face.

Resumes, pens, notebook, cellular, and a container of macaroons and strawberry icecream bread. Today, if anyone saw me, they could easily mistake me for a teacher. I walked up to the school building, and smiled at the kids that passed.

I saw the Lacey girl from the day before and she ran up to me, asking me about my head.

"Tough as a bowling ball." I responded, lightly tapping my head with my knuckles. I hit a soar spot and flinched. The girl looked terrified. "I'm alright.... Are you allergic to nuts or strawberries?"

"No, why?" she eyed the put box in my hands. I put down my purse and began fishing around in the carrier. I pulled out the baggy of macaroons me and my sister had made the night before.

"They're made with almonds and raspberry flavored." I said, pointing to the different colored cookies. "These ones are cocoa, and these ones are vanilla."

"I can share these right?"

"They're made with almonds so just not with the kids with peanut allergies." I said. I thought back on my school days here, and how sharing was frowned upon because of

a.allergies and b.sickness.

"Ugh." I mumbled, picking up everything. "Wish me luck." I grinned, turning to leave. A few other kids moved to Lacey and they each began sorting out which pastries they wanted.

I walked in, and was buzzed in twice. I spoke with Mrs Owens, and everything looked like I was going to get the job. I'd come in, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, seven thirty in the morning to four thirty in the afternoon. I had classes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so only Wednesday was the only issue day. Everything was looking up.

After that, I was shown where my work space would be, what I would be incharge of, the phones, the computers, the typewriters, filing-- and I would start next week. It was close to four forty-five when we finished, and all the kids that left for the day were gone. Others were staying in the school's latchkey program which stayed open until six.

I bought some fruit from the cafeteria and sat outside for a bit. From four to five was like a second recess, kids were running around screaming with balls, jump ropes and wiffle ball equipment.

Lacey and a few of the girls were playing volleyball with a red kickball. I watched them for a bit before trying to flag them down. One of the boys looked my way, changing his position on hitting the ball. It sailed and I was seeing stars.

I sat on the bench, blinking away the glitter and starlight.

"Ohmygosh!" Lacey came running. The kids that were playing came up to me, saying sorry, and trying not to get in trouble with me.

"I hope I don't make this a regular occurance." I mumbled, rubbing my brow. The front of my head didn't hurt as much as the back of my head hurt the day before, but the little shot had been quite jarring.

"Sorry we were playing and--"

"Your hands are wrong." I said, powering through it. "Show me how you were hitting the ball."

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