Chapter 14

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"I was expecting something a little less... plush." I stated, tugging at the hem of my dress. "Aren't we... Prisoners?"

"You are." said the man sitting across from me, reading what looked like a news paper. It was entitled with a city's name I did not recognize, and had titles about people whose names I didn't think I could pronounce. The man that sat there had hazel eyes, greens and golds that looked like emeralds in sunlight. His lips were full and his brow was strong. He was handsome, sure, and I caught myself looking at him longer than I should. 

"Then why are we dressed and gussied up like show ponies." I ground out between clenched teeth. This was the second fucking time in so many days I had passed out with blood on my face, and woken up in a bed that was not my own. The first time was pleasant, the second time was making the experience get stale quick.

"Why are you babysitting me anyways. I'm a fully competant adult." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Damn, this dress was comfy. The fabric was breathable and soft, even though it looked like something out of a museum. The sleeves reached to my knuckles, and the collar was to my chin. The length of the skirt was just resting on my knees as I sat.

"We don't want to hurt you, and if you'd stop trying to escape, I wouldn't need to babysit you." the man said with a sigh, turning the pages in the paper. "Are you hungry?"

"No." I said defiantly, slouching in my seat. There was a noise of the buttons down my back, the threads protesting and almost ready to snap. I couldn't shift in these clothes. They had done something, and I could not change forms. The kids had the same issues, their powers being blocked.

"I'd really prefer it if you ate." he said, looking up from his paper. My stomach felt like it was in knots, and I turned from him. "Since you're going to be here for a while--"

"Fuck that!" I snarled. "When Donovan gets here, he's going to kick your ass. And if he doesn't Devonny is because not only did you kidnap her kids, but I sure as hell tell her that you threatened their well being when they were crying."

That got his attention. "Are you threatening me?"

"You were going to hit Randy." I grit my teeth. I sat up, but slouched forward now, leaning on the palm of my left hand while using my elbow to prop up my arm. 

"I would never hit a child." he said, even though I distinctly remember that he was the one to approach Simmy and Randy in the house. When they were in tears, he did not look anything but intimidating. 

"So then me and Brandon are free game. Great." I said, putting as much snark and vileness in my voice as possible. I had a broken nose, stitches in my lower and upper lip, and the the brow area of my face was swollen and bruised. They were kind enough to give me stitches when I was unconscious.

He looked at me, irritated, but calmer than I thought he would be. Stoic? That would probably be the term. He looked at me, eyes scanning my face and chair. I frowned harder at him, giving the best, "fuck you" face I could muster with the throbbing head aches behind my eyes.

He snapped open the paper, sighing at it all. "You'll split your lip if you keep scowling."

I was going to swear at him further, when the sound of footsteps interupted me. Brandon stood in the doorway, his right arm in a sling, and dressed in low slung sweat pants and grey tank top. A metal collar was locked around his throat, some symbols glowing as they kept Brandon's powers in check. 

"Yo." He waved his good hand at me. "C'mon. We gotta eat."

"I'm not hungry." I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in my chair. 

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