Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

"You're ready Mira, there's nothing else I can teach you for you have surpassed me" grandma tells me after an evening of me fighting with her and some spirits from our clan. I have been here about three weeks or so, time feels different here after all.

"But why now?" I ask wiping a bead of sweat from my brow, she motions for me to join her where she stood.

"Do you have any idea of what's happening on the other side?" I shake my head no, how could I? "Here look" she waves her hand and a small tear forms in the air.

"This is as big as I can make it with my remaining energy" she says looking frustrated, I pay that no mind and do the same thing she did but make the tear about the size of a full-length mirror.

"Show off" she mumbles jokingly "think about who or what you want to see and the image will come up." She explains to me, I immediately think of my mother, within seconds the image of my mom comes to view. She was in her demon form and she looked to be in an updated version of the same war garments that my grandma was wearing.

"Why is she wearing war clothes?" Grandma says voicing my thoughts.

"Does this do audio?"

"Not sure, try" she responds shrugging, continuing to look at mom, I sigh and will the portal to allow me to hear what's going on.

"Your majesty, the gods approach the outside" some soldier says to my mom, she frowns turning towards the demon who approached her.

"How long do we have before they reach?"

"About 3 days" he responds, I watch as she dismisses the demon and starts pacing the floor. I longed to be with her and help but I needed more information. I had learned a lot from being here, and I no longer felt that the gods deserved to continue ruling the way they have. They say a dead being tells no tales, but I was in the land of said dead. I focused back on my mom, she looked just as beautiful as ever, but the worry on her features didn't match. I hated that she had to go through this, I hope she knows I'm alright. I thought of my traitorous father and the image switched over to him.

"We will show those shadow dwellers why us gods rule over the lands!" my dad exclaims, cheers arise from the gods he was rallying. That Bastard, he is trying to take over my mothers' realm; the nerve of that man, he's already taken so much from us. My mom needs to know the truth, I need to be with her, she won't be able to defeat the oncoming threat alone.

"I have to go" I say calmly but on the inside I was inflamed, I closed the window and turned to my grandma.

"Would you like to come with me?" I ask, she looks at me unenthused as if I said a sick joke.

"I can't leave this place, he made sure of that" she spits out disgusted, I knew she was talking about my dad.

"Well correction you won't be able to leave permanently but I can attach your soul energy to mine for a set amount of time so you'll be able to come back to the real realm for a while. I was thinking so you can get in a few hits into the man who imprisoned you there." I add so she basically gets the idea this is a revenge quest for her and we need all the help we can get.

"How are you able to do that?" she asks.

"I don't want my dad or my mom's powers to define me,I made them into my own and it wasn't as hard as you think. I'll find a way to get you out of this realm for good but I need some more research material." I explain my mind working already thinking of how to accomplish this.

"You are so much more than I could have thought, you will make a great ruler" she says giving me a small hug, the moment is sweet but I don't let it last long.

"Okay, mom guard said that they would be approaching in 3 days' time, we need to leave as soon as we can so I can form a plan with mom and the royal guards."

"Wait we want to offer our help as well"

"They do" she says and points to the left. There stood thousands of spirits from all types of demon races, standing at the front were my clans' soldiers and guards.

"Thank you, I will make sure all your souls get laid to rest after this is all over" I say to them, touched that they want to go to war again.

"If I may speak my queen, we would like to stay here to serve you when you need us" I nod and turn to my grandmother.

"Thank you for everything" I turned back to the army. "And thank you, all of you. Let us rise up for the final battle between the gods!" I shout towards the end to raise the army's morale.

"Let's go" I attach her soul to mine, then turn towards the mass of spirits.

"I will call you guys forth when I need you, I need half of you to stay here I'm going to bring you guys a treat" I say with a devious grin on my face, I'm going to put an end to this.

I open a gate back home and step through, I immediately curse when I emerge from the land of the dead. I had already known I would potentially lose a parent, I just didn't realize it'd be this soon.


I know I usually make all chapters after the 1st-2nd chapters, all following chapters will be over 1K but this one falls short by about twenty words, so sorry for that, I will definitely make it up in the following.

P.S the authors note puts me in the right tho lol

P.S.S- in the original making of this story (it was a assignment when I was in school) this is how I ended it, nothing more. Obviously I'm going to continue now though😂

You know the drill⤵️




🫶Thank you🫶


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