Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

"Grandma, who is this deity we're going to see?" I question flapping my wings harder against the breeze speeding up. I was glad I was able to use transformation, although flying was a lot harder to learn than I thought. I beat my wings harder as grandma fills me in on this great warrior from back in the day.

"Drop down around here we are close" she says and I obey her command folding my wings against my body diving down, the ground coming into view. I spread my wings, evening out before dropping to the ground, I snorted as grandma slid off my back. I shake and undo the transformation.

"I'm amazed every time you show us something different, you are in a class of your own."

"Yes for better or worse it seems" I deadpan with a sigh, throwing the hood of my robe up.

"Lead the way" she begins walking holding her robe tighter around her body, apparently this friend of hers lived in the coldest part of the domain. There were only about seven different species that could stand the temperatures here. We walk through the thick snow for about twenty minutes before we come to a large cave.

"Are you sure this creature is still here, I mean you haven't been up here in eons, they could be dead" I question looking around the seemingly deserted cave.

"If I knew him as well as I think I did, he wouldn't have died so easily" she mumbles back feeling along the wall.

"Are you looking for a secret door or something?"

"Yea something like that" she responds back growing frustrated after ten minutes of feeling along the cold walls of the cave. I begin casting a spell to make all hidden entrances visible to me, I grit my teeth focusing hard, willing the hidden places to be visible; whoever created these was very powerful, however after another surge of energy they become visible to me.

"Gran this way, it's back here in the corner hidden behind those broken rock pillars." I point and begin speed walking to the area to inspect it.

"Do you have an acceptance casting to get in?"

"I had one back in the day, maybe it'll work" she places her hand on the center of the middle pillar and closes her eyes. A faint glow emits from her and the cave begins rumbling slightly. I steady myself as the shaking gets rougher, the stone pillars begin sinking into the ground one by one until another cast protection for the actual door appears. She places her hand in the middle of the area and chants something in a language I don't understand, the area her hand is on begins to glow and a bright blue circle appears on the door along with some intricate designs and the door begins sliding open. She turns around to me with a wide smile.

"Finally I can be helpful for once" she beams and takes my hand in hers before walking through the stone cave door, within seconds the door slides back closed and we are in darkness. Suddenly the torches on the wall begin to light up.

We walked for what seemed to be hours but we came to an opening, there was a large underground pool of water.

"Is this a dead end?"

"No, I have to freeze over the water and cast another spell and it'll take us to his real lair" she says, I nod before looking into her soul vessel, she was at half capacity.

"Will it be alright if I freeze it over, you are at half capacity and I can't give you any more of my power right now" I ask, explaining why I asked. She thinks for a second before nodding.

"Shouldn't be a problem" I nod in confirmation and walk over to the edge of the water and squat down and stick my hand in the freezing water, I shiver slightly. I pour my energy out into the water willing it to freeze, in seconds the water begins freezing. I took my hand out of the water, it was pale blue. For a second I thought the waters were too cold but then I looked further up my arm and sigh in relief, I had only transformed into my natural form.

"Now what?" I asked my grandmother, she walked up and touched my cheek studying my features with a soft smile.

"How come you always use your second form?"

"I'm still getting used to this one, plus in my other form I can control my powers better, in this form they continue to grow and I'm more prone to energy overload" I explain with a shrug, I could feel my energy refilling itself.

"No wonder you got everyone worried, if you so choose to, you could bring down an entire kingdom." She mutters, she touches the ice and those same enteric designs blossom over the ice covering the entire area. Just like earlier the cave begins to rumble and thin cracks appear in the ice. They grow bigger and bigger until a large rectangle stone emerges from the ice.

"We get in that and it will take us to where we need to be" We step on the ice avoiding the cracked areas and step into the box, the cover slides over us and we plunge back into the depths. I faintly glowed in the dark confinements of the box, I would've been startled but knowing what I was, these things didn't scare me anymore. The box opens and we step out a large white bear thing stood before us growling.

"WAIT, wait, wait Aser it's me Margonya, founding Queen of the Byakko-Inhebus"she quickly says still holding the authority of royalty in her tone. The bear stops growling and he takes a sniff of both of us before nodding his large head and turning around. We follow behind him until we are led to what seems to be a small waiting area.

"I'll be back with the king" the bear said, speaking in a gruff manner.

"Is this the domain of the Kodan?" I ask, suddenly remembering the old factions. I was a little behind on demon realm history since ya know the whole not knowing I'm half demon thing.

"Yes, and show the utmost respect they are known for their temper" she whispers, I nod and stand quietly beside her as we wait. A large roar could be heard and it was so powerful and domineering that if I wasn't who I was it would scramble my brain. I looked over at gran who rolled her eyes.

"Always trying to show his power, get ready darling we may have to fight" she whispers as the ground begin to shake as if something large was bounding towards us and if she was right, there was.

"Any pointers? Do I need to transform into something?" I ask panicking, I haven't been in many beastly fights, I could stand my own against demons but beasts were a whole nother thing.

"Mira you are fine, when he breaches the doorway, use a flame attack, then do what feels right, this is also training for you" she says, another roar rings out, this one sounding closer. I take my robe off tossing it to the side and tie my hair up getting in position, if this was training I wasn't going to lose.


So sorry for the delay on updates, my health has been a bit off the charts lately but I'm writing when I can 😓😓

Y'all I'm struggling with tryna make up all these fantasy names and ish lol. As always thank you for reading and as stated before all photos do not belong to me unless stated otherwise, shout-out to the original creators on Pinterest or wherever I got them from.

Anyway y'all know the drill⤵️





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