Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

Fear. Fear was the first thing I felt as the enormouse armored white Kodan rounded the corner and burst through the opening. I regain my wits and when it breaches the entry way I shoot out a large blast of flames from my hand thinking it stopped it or at least slowed it down. I charged forward, since I was in my natural form I was faster than I realized, but my glee didn't last long because as I neared the beast the cloud of steam from my attack blocked my vision.

"AHHH!" I screamed loudly as a huge paw smacks into my side flinging me to the side until I crash into the wall sinking a few inches into the cave wall, I groan and hop down shaking the hit off before charging again. It had stepped out of the steam and roared. I bring the sword from my side quickly enchanting it and just as the beast swipes at me I block it, it roars again and I jump out the way barely missing the beam it shot from its mouth. I glanced at my gran who was watching intently. I quickly think of what to do as the beast charges at me.

It rises up on its hind legs ready to strike me down, I power my sword up and in the quick five seconds it has slashed the beast 100 times, its, armor cracking under the pressure of my attacks. It falls on all fours, black blood flowing from the cuts onto the ice. Before it could regain its bearings, I continued to assault it with a combination of spells and using my sword.

The beast jumps back making a large space between us, for a moment neither one of us makes a move. I watched my opponent intently, my breathing a bit labored. I noticed I had started to glow more brightly and I knew my attack was ready, in the short time we had been fighting I had copied his blast and tweaked it to my own making it more powerful. I charge and half way before jumping into the sky willing my wings to come out, I hold my palm out and shoot the bright electric blue and black beam at the beast who diployed his own.

I bare my teeth pushing more of my energy into the attack pushing his back, for a few seconds we battle for the upper hand. I will fire into attack and I begin to over take him. There's a huge explosion and the beast goes flying back crashing into the cave wall but it doesn't hold him and he continues to go through the wall.

I fly towards him at hyper speed and begin attacking it with a barrage of punches, some begin powered up and the other sheer force. My hits are so quick that he doesn't have a moment to attack, I could feel his blood covering my hands. I jump back taking to the air and watch what he does next. He climbed out the hole in the walls and shook his massive body, before falling to the ice. I fly down and land on the ice folding my wings back and pointing my sword at this snout.

"Consed" I demand with a snarl, the beast looks up at me and nods before a bright white light surrounds him and he begins to shrink taking on a hybrid form. His white fur turned into pale skin, white fur covered ear on top of his head of silver hair, pitch black eyes that had a ring of gold around them stared back at me. I stopped at his chest which was covered in still healing stash marks, noticing he was practically naked a single loin cloth covering his parts.

"You are mighty strong, who are you?" He questions, I step back looking at my grandma.

"I'm her granddaughter and daughter of the current Byakko-Inhebus queen,  Pyola, I'm Princess Mira and we've come to ask for your help" I state, trying to look as fierce as possible. He looked past me to my grandma who had begun to walk towards us.

"King Salias, a pleasure to grace your presence again" my grandmother says bowing slightly to the king.

"Ma-Margonya? Is that really you?" He walks past me meeting her in the middle. "My word, it IS you" he grabs her in a hug spinning her around, she laughs and pats his back.

"Certainly is, that one came to the shadow lands and found a way to let me out, however it's temporary until she finds a way to keep me here permanently" she explains, he looks back at me then her.

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