Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

"Say what?"

"The council wants to control this realm as well to limit our power and influence. The quickest way to do that is to kill the current queen; you. The other option is to take the four treasures of this land. However because I possess the power of both creation and darkness I could take over, so even if they do one or the other I can potentially prevent the destruction of our realm. The problem that they are overlooking is that the power balance will be thrown off. I can't be in two realms at once, not at this moment anyway. In theory this war could bring the destruction of both realms and depending on how much power and energy I use in battle I won't be ab-"

"Who said you are going to war young lady?!" My mom interrupts frowning at me, I sigh.

"Mom without me we almost don't stand a chance, if I don't side with you the council may try to get me to side with them, but I don't trust them nor do I want to fight for them. Like I said all of this is in theory, I need to do a bit of research and talk to a few beings before I can finalize a plan" I explain as best I can without revealing all my cards.

"Mom, the war you guys fought all those eons ago is nothing compared to the one that's coming up. This war will destroy both realms and it's gonna be up to me and a few others who I hope I can find to rest- no create anew."

"How sure of all this are you as of now?" She asks rubbing her forehead, looking none too pleased.

"I'm about 75 percent sure, which is why I need to do some more research and met with a few um potential allies, there's very little room for mistakes"

"Who are these allies you speak of?"she questions, I avert my eyes.

"I'd rather not say at the moment" I whisper, causing her to huff and turn away from me.

"I give you free reign over anything you need to help you in your quest, please be careful my darling spit fire, you are my only heir and from what you say hope as well.

"Thanks mom, and I will, I promise" she pulls me into a hug holding me tightly, I sink into her embrace. It felt like years instead of mere months since I'd last held her like this. I don't realize but tears follow from my eyes as we hug.

I hate all of this. I hate how I had to eavesdrop that night, I hate that my dad is now my enemy, I hate how I can feel his conflicting emotions on the matter, I hate how I feel like I'm the blame, I just hate everything about this, I want my old family back.

I'm not sure how long we stay like that but it takes grandma moving off the bench to bring me back to my surroundings. I pull away from my mom and go over to her checking to see if she's ok. She opens her eyes and grin at me.

"I feel better than I have in over 2 enons, what did you do to me?" She asks standing up flexing her muscles moving around. I explain what I did excluding the fact I had ulterior motives for doing so. She seems happy enough so I see no reason to tell her.

"Mom I need to speak to you and your head military personnel on your strategy, after that me and grandma have a few visits to do"

"I'm coming with" my mother rushes out, I shake my head already knowing she would.

"Mom you are needed here with your people, me and grandma got this" she begins to protest so I let a little more information slip.

"You're needed here and that's final! While the main battle isn't for three days, they are sending a sneak attack tonight, I need you to be ready for that"

"H-how do you know this?" She questions looking skeptical, I raise a brow and open a window to see into the creation realm, specifically the meeting room where dad and his advisors are strategizing. My mom gasps in surprise but doesn't say anything. I adjust the window so we can see the plans they have written down on the table. The map looked to be a 3D spirit model of our lands, there were markings all over the map. Dad looks in our general direction and my heart hammers against my chest, I hope he can't sense me, I don't know how our shared powers work and like mom stated what I knew my powers are quickly flowing. When he turns his attention back to his advisors my let out a small breath, maybe it was nothing.

"I'll leave this open for the time being, it will close in twenty minutes, that should give you enough time to learn what they are planning."

"Go talk to the general he'll fill you in on our current strategy, make any changes you need, I'll come when I'm done here" mom says, almost waving me off, I nod and take grandma and we leave to head to the general. I sure hope they had a decent counter attack plan, we were going to need every advantage we could get.

"Mira don't you think you're being hard on her?"

"I have to be, this is bigger than all of us and unfortunately a lot of this falls on my shoulders, it would be easier to kill me and give them what they want rather then start another war, but I'm not laying my life down either" I pause checking my surroundings, I'd never been to this part of the castle but I'd been watching from the shadowlands or rather Deawizain for some time. We make about four more turns and duck into a secret passageway and soon we are in the correct room.

Standing with their back to us stood a 12 foot, dull green and brown Bonhebus; they are Descendants of the dragon race and intermingled with demons. Harden scales, high stamina, element resistant, along with a thick and powerful tail made them ideal for combat but their quick temper often led them to have unnecessary casualties.

"H-hi are you general Gildack?" I greet making my presence known, but already knowing whom I was speaking to, he spins quickly turning towards us, his face showing confusion before realization.

"Princess! What a surprise, what brings you here?" He squats down to be on my level, I give him a smile.

"I need you to run me through the plans and battle strategy" I explain quickly, he gives a pondering look.

"Yes I have the queen's permission and I need you to go over it with me quickly. We don't have as much time as we think" I say urgently, he gives a nod before taking us over to a large table and begins explaining everything. It takes him about 15 minutes to cover their plan and I sigh.

"This is the outline from the first Great War, these plans aren't going to work this time. The creation realm is planning an ambush sometime tonight and early morning, afternoon at the latest. I believe if we intercept them before they get started it will create enough chaos to throw them off.

"And how do you suggest we go about that"

"We have to be faster, the moment they step on our soil we attack. They plan on attacking two points of entry, the main being Quecopor since it's our main port, this will only be a distraction, the second point of entry will be Witdraain near the Onxy fields where our training camps are located." I explain as I'm drawing up blueprints of the attack spots in question.

"How do you know this?"

"I have my ways, now I need you to send a third of the troops to each location and keep a third of them here at the castle, I don't think they would try an attack here but I can't be certain" I finish marking the map, adding formations and giving clear instructions, we are going to fight ambush with ambush.

"Hurry and get the troops ready, I'm not sure what deities are going to be in what group so please make sure you have enough healers, mages, and fighters on each team, time is of the essence"

"Right away princess, be careful" he says with a bow, I smile and wish him the same before turning towards my grandma.

"Ready to go make some alliances?"


Ion have nothing to say right now 🤗

But y'all know the drill⤵️




🫶Thanks for reading🫶


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