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Word Count: 1852


I am not ready for this.

I've met Noble's before, and yet there is something different about stepping into the Territory One manor they all oversee.

It's likely because Ellard may be here, but in reality, it's the cause of this special person Kastriv has told me I'm meeting today.

He didn't need to tell me I need to make a good impression tonight, but I get the feeling that nothing else will suffice. Whoever this is, they are important to Kastriv in some bizarre way.

I know she practically runs all the Noble's lives, but Kastriv was cagey on telling me why.

"It was a mistake bringing her here, you know," someone says as we walk through the door, making me jump.

It's Larsen, one of the only Noble's I haven't had the chance to meet.

Not that it's a bad thing I haven't met him. In fact, it was by design. Oliver cannot stand him, wary of Larsen's poisonous touch and sardonic attitude.

"Larsen," Kastriv sighs, not seeming pleased to be reunited with his brother either. "I had no idea you were coming."

Larsen smiles. He has a pretty face, but it's all deceptive. Behind those black leather gloves are hands that could touch my skin and kill me right now. And that playful glint to his deep emerald eyes suggest he wouldn't mind scaring me.

"I get a lot of pleasure from watching good things go bad," he says, falling into step beside us.

He looks behind Kastriv at me. "You must be the mate."

"Uh huh," I mutter.

"It's a recent development. Be nice," Kastriv mutters lowly to him, only to receive an amused smirk from Larsen instead.

"I'm only here to observe, not to participate," he says, although I get the sense that he is going to change tact very soon.

Just before we stroll into the dining room, Kastriv grabs my arm, pulling me back as Larsen strides in.

"Stay away from him. His touch is deadly," Kastriv says lowly. I look at Larsen's back, wondering how many people are currently targeting him for those deadly powers.

"He's one of the only Noble's I haven't met," I mumble. And I hate him already.

Kastriv rubs his forehead. "He doesn't do politics, which is why he never knew Oliver."

"Who else is in there?" I question, peering in to get a better look. I can't see much, but I'm anxious to get a feeling for it before I just walk in blind. I'm afraid I'll be torn up by all the Noble's and this mystical woman.

"She will be, and so will Arkyn. He is always near this estate."

"What's her name?" I ask warily.

"Atari. She feels as though she owns us, and therefore our mates," he tells me. I can hear the warning in his tone. "But nothing comes between you and I, okay?"

I nod, although I don't feel convinced. "Yeah. Okay."

He holds my hand tightly as we walk into the room, everyone's eyes immediately turning to us.

I note Arkyn, who I have met before. His face is a comforting one, considering he has always been kind to me, albeit as oblivious as Ellard is.

Larsen, of course, is sitting at the far end of the table with his arms crossed, looking infinitely amused and the conversation hasn't even started yet.

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