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Word Count: 2114


I wipe the back of my hand over my forehead, breathing out slowly.

"I don't think I've sweat this much in my life," I mutter, looking over to my left, where Kastriv is finishing up the planting.

It's been a nice, calm afternoon. For once.

I want this. I want this everyday, with Kastriv here. We have settled into a comfortable silence often. It's mostly because I'm scared of what I might safe if I do stop and talk to him deeply.

Sometimes our fingers brush, our stares linger. It would be easy to turn and kiss him, to tell him I want him.

I don't think I'm going to have much luck holding off any longer. Kastriv has been patient, which isn't a surprise. He's gentle, sweet and kind.

Even if recently I've felt something else going on inside his head, that he is yet to let me see.

"You should be proud of what you've done," he says, gesturing over the plot that we have planted in. He is right, we worked hard on this and it seems to have paid off.

"Part of me wishes I didn't have to leave," I admit, peeling the gloves off my hands.

This Territory is nice. The weather is mild, and the citizens are kind, even if they are a bit nosy. But there is a constant reminder in the back of my head about who exactly is chasing me down.

It seems as though I'm destined to be on the run forever.

"Maybe we can stay for a while," Kastriv offers gently. I can hear the wary edge to his tone. He wants to push through that though, if it means keeping me happy.

I get to my feet, brushing the dirt off my knees. "I just hope Kaia is safe with her family right now."

It was a difficult decision to have Kaia go elsewhere. As much as I want her by my side through all of this, I can't risk anything bad happening to her. So she is with a distant family member who can take care of her.

"I don't think Oliver will chase her out of the Territory." Kastriv stands also. "Honestly I think he would rather just come straight for you."

I shudder. I hate that.

"Well, he already tried it. Hopefully seeing you and Keo scared him off." One can hope.

"Why don't you come inside, out of the sun for a bit." He holds his hand out to me, but I hesitate.

I'm not ready to go in yet, where I can sit around and be left to my own thoughts.

"I saw a pond just a little way down there. I think I'm going to go for a swim," I tell him, inching toward the path that leads down the hill.

Not only am I sweating, but some fun would be nice.

Kastriv casts his gaze off through the woodland area, nodding. "That sounds nice."

"Why don't you come join me?" I ask sweetly, fluttering my eyes lashes at him. He shakes his head, smiling. My flirting is hopeless, but I want to spend some time with him.

"I'll be down in a couple minutes. You go ahead."

I nearly stand and insist he comes now, but a devious idea pops into my mind that seduces me down the path and toward the pond.

With my toes touching the edge of the water, I strip off my clothing until I am in nothing more than just my panties.

It's freeing, having the warm air brush over my bare skin.

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