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Word Count: 1817

*Mature Content Warning!*


I stare out the window, watching the rain as it soaks into the forest floor.

Kastriv hasn't told me where he has taken me. From what I know, it looks like Territory Ten, but I can't be certain. All I really know is this place only has one bedroom, and it's small.

But out here, there is truly no one for miles. Kastriv assured me of that.

We are completely alone out here.

I turn around, leaning against the sill. Kastriv has managed to light the fire, dousing the small space in golden light. It feels comfortable and warm, and most importantly, far away from those who know what I am.

What people choose to say about me doesn't matter out here.

"How are you feeling?" Kastriv asks, straightening as he wipes his ashy hands together.

I shrug, loosening a breath. "I don't know. I'm scared my life will always feel like this."

Kastriv rinses his hands in the sink, frowning slightly. "Like what?"

"Unsettled. Like nothing is grounded and sure. Everything is so uncertain right now," I admit, shivering. I just want to know what tomorrow will bring, and not be frightened each time I open my eyes in the morning.

"Tomorrow we can go and confront Atari. I'm not going to leave until she understands that even she isn't above a mate bond," Kastriv assures me, although he cannot hide his doubt.

I eye him carefully. "Whatever she has over you is obviously powerful. Are you sure you can stand up to her."

He winces, looking away.

My eyes narrow, examining the tension in his shoulders, the way he siezes up at the mention of Atari and whatever she has over him.

I want to know...I so badly want to know. It may make what Keo says about him make sense. That darkness everyone seems to see, it has to stem from somewhere.

"I'll be fine," he murmurs.

Releasing a slow breath, I stride toward him. Grabbing his arm, I turn him to look at me.

There are a striking flash of emotions in his eyes. They don't last long enough for me to understand what he is feeling, but I know they are rooted in a deep memory that arises at every mention of Atari.

"I'm here for you. Whatever it is that haunts you," I breathe, reaching up to cup either side of his face. His eyes are tender, as he gazes down at me.

"I love you, Aspen. I'll do anything to protect you," he tells me assuredly, holding my hands as they touch his face.

My heart flutters. Love.

I haven't felt true love in a long time. I thought I loved my mother for a time, until I realised I was only pushing on myself what I thought I should feel, rather than what I actually felt.

And with Oliver, I thought I would fall in love with him, and it never came.

So facing this reality that I may love Kastriv is both terrifying and exciting.

I suck in a breath, smiling tentatively. "I think I love you two."

Kastriv's face breaks into a warm smile, and all of a sudden he sweeps me into his arms, melting away all my concerns, all my worries.

He is my mate. Whatever else that is going on around us doesn't matter.

"I wish I could transport us away from this mess. I wish I could have you all to myself, no interrupts," he breathes against my lips, still not letting my feet touch the ground.

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