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Word Count: 1933


I stare at the large wooden door, a dark feeling of dread curling up in my stomach.

I've stepped through this door many times in my life. I've been dragged through it, I've been pushed through it...and it was never home for me, even if Oliver swore I would never leave here again, after I married him.

I can feel Kastriv looking down at me, monitoring my expression as rain dribbles down my face.

"I really didn't think I was ever going to be back here again," I murmur.

We have come here first thing in the morning. I didn't sleep last night, plagued by new reality. I can never exist in this society again. People hate Demon's so deeply, they won't stop until they have hunted me down and killed me.

There is no going back for me. And it's all because Oliver decided he hated me enough to tell the whole city.

Kastriv's gaze softens. "I can do this alone, if you need me to."

"I know...I should be here," I say, more so to assure myself than him. If I allow him to confront Oliver alone, who knows what will happen to him...

Territory One's favourite Politician would likely end up dead.

Kastriv rests his hand on the small of my back, rubbing gently. "You're brave. I can't imagine the horrors you endured in this manor."

I summon a deep breath. All night I chanted in my head over and over that I wouldn't let this get to me...I wouldn't let Oliver win by allowing myself to get upset by what happened in the past.

I'm standing here now, with my mate, which I never thought would happen.

"Nothing as terrible as what I'm going to endure now that everyone is going to be hunting me down," I mutter, shifting uncomfortably as rain beats down upon us.

It reminds me of the first night I met Kastriv. It poured with rain and I went up to my room and dreamt about what it would be like for a Noble to sweep me away from my terrible life.

"I can keep you safe, I promise," he assures me, before he turns his attention to the door. "Starting with getting revenge."

He knocks on the door, the sound echoing loudly.

It opens moments later, a woman tenatively peeking out. It's clear she works for Oliver, eyes widening at the sight of a Noble standing in the doorway.

Immediately she goes to close it, but Kastriv's arm shoots out as he pushes it back open, strolling inside as if he owns the place, sending the poor staff member rushing off.

"Ah, so I see a Noble is no longer invited into a colleagues home then, huh?" He calls out.

I look around the foyer, my throat tightening. I hate this place.

Kastriv frowns, looking up the stairs. "Come out Oliver, you coward. Don't make me scour through this pathetic home to find you."

I glance at my mate. The moment he stepped past the threshold of the home, something in his demeanour shifted. This isn't a game to him. Oliver is going to pay for what he did.

Suddenly, Oliver appears at the top of the stairs, doing stiff at the sight of us.

"Settle down. I was resting," he grumbles, although there's a wariness in my tone.

He wasn't resting, he was hiding. He knows what he has done, and he doesn't want to face the consequences. I doubt he even thought I had the confidence to come back here.

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