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Word Count: 1728


I don't want to go out today. But I don't exactly have a choice.

Kaia has returned back to her relatives in another Territory today, and I've been left in her apartment while I wait to hear something from Kastriv.

I've officially run out of supplies, and although it's dangerous for me to go out in public, I don't have any other choice, unless I want to sit in this tiny apartment to starve.

So, I slip into a thick jacket and tug the hood over my head.

People know who I am now. They know I'm a Demon, and if they recognise me, they will kill me without hesitation.

I choose a market close to the apartment, keeping my head low, avoiding eye contact with people as I weave through them. Thankfully, none of the shopkeepers seem to notice my shadiness, giving me my goods with no question at all.

Quickly, I make my way back, until someone steps in front of me.

At first, I try to dodge around him, not wanting to draw any additional attention to him, but when he makes to step in front of me again, I realise this isn't an innocent mistake.

"Can I help you?" I ask irritably.

This stranger is tall, looking down at me with a freakish smile on his face. My stomach turns. This isn't good.

"You can if you are who I think you are," he exclaims.

"I'm not."

I make to push past him again, but he grabs my arm. I want to struggle, but people still mull past us, and I know whose side they will take if attention is brought to us.

"You're pretty for a Demon," he says lowly, continuing to grin like a maniac.

My heart falters. He knows. And if he knows, others walking past may know. I need to get out of here, because this person looks unhinged, and under his navy coat, he may have a weapon.

"Leave me alone," I hiss, yanking at his grip, although it holds fast.

He looks over me, as if I'm a hot commodity. "A lot of people want you dead, you know?"

"Get out of my way," I growl. Panic is starting to overcome me, as my fingers dig against his, trying to pull him off me, although it's no use. He isn't going to let me go, not when he knows he has something in his grasp that everyone wants to get a hold of.

"I don't hate Demon's though. I'm just a lowly human who needs a little money. You'll forgive me right?"

"I'll kill you," I growl back.

He shakes his head at me. "I don't think so."

He pulls me with him, despite me using all my strength to pull against him. He yanks me into an alleyway, and before I can react, he grabs the side of my head and pushes it against the wall with disturbing force.

A flash of pain strikes through me, before my vision darkens and I lose my grip on conciousness.


Groaning, my eyes blink open.

My vision spins, the light above me fuzzy and unclear as I slowly wake up.

My head is killing me. A pain like no other throbs against my temples as I force myself to sit up, trying to blink the dizziness from my eyes.

"You're finally awake."

I jump at the sound of the voice, looking over to see the man from the street sitting on an old wooden chair in front of me. I'm on a dark red couch, a threadbare blanket draped over me.

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