Chapter : 14

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Yes he is...

Everyone turned towards the person who replied and it was none other than jungkook whose eyes were teary. Taehyung looked at him being shocked. Now he know everyone must have think wrong about him including jungkook.

W-What are you saying jungkook?...jin asked. Yes hyung, i know everything. I saw him yesterday with her in the bar and he was carrying her and also he even dropped her in her home. Her parents also know about this and they were talking very friendly with him... Jungkook replied

Taehyung's pov

What? So jungkook was following me all the time. He saw everything. Shit!! What I'm gonna say now. Should i say the truth. Yes i should, i can't hide the truth anymore. I'm gonna tell everything about me and y/n, her past and everything. Jungkook deserves to know all this. But i should hide the truth that y/n loves jungkook back. I can't give spoiler to y/n's confession. He should know that when y/n tells him herself. He will be more happy when he hears it from her.





Jimin yelled. Taehyung startled and snapped to the reality hearing his yelling.

H-Huh..Yes...Taehyung said. TELL US EVERYTHING OR I'M GONNA SPANK YOUR ASS WITH MY PAN. DO YOU WANT THAT?...Jin shouted making everyone flinch

N-No..I will tell... Taehyung replied and gulped. We want to know everything. Don't hide anything...Rm said. Taehyung nodded

( The past story is long. It explains everything about her )

H-Hyung s-she is my c-cousin sister. She is really like my own sister. We were together in our childhood. Me, y/n and her brother. We went to the same school and college. Our both families were really close as my father is the elder brother of her father, they really love each very much. So we three were together in everything even in making problems. Me and y/n's brother really loves y/n very much as she was the younger among us. She is our families little princess. We all spoiled her very much with love and everything. At that time she is not the cold and rude person like she is known now. She is the most childish and sweetest person in our family. She never fails to bring happiness in anyone's face.

B-But everything got destroyed when we were on college .She was the sweetheart of our college cause of her beauty,kindness and love towards everyone and because of this reason she got many admirers . So me and y/n's brother were really over protective and possessive towards her . But at that time a new boy transferred to her class . After few weeks he proposed y/n infront of the whole college and it was very unexpected for everyone including us cause no one dared to do that because of me and y/n's brother . He was a sweet and lovely boy  who helps everyone like y/n . But she didn't had any feelings for him .As I said she is kind and didn't want anyone to be hurt , so she didn't rejected him but instead she asked him to make her fall for him. He also accepted it because he loved her.

At first me and y/n's brother didn't allowed this but she make us convinced bye her buttering . So after  6 months of his trying . She also fall in love with him . They were literally known as the powerfull couple of our college by witnessing their love . We were also happy for her and our family also know about this . He was from a well known family and has a good background . So we didn't had any problem with that .

B-But that bastard broke up with her just before some months to complete our college . After this incident she didn't even utter a word to anyone of us. She locked herself in her room for a week........s-she was in depression for almost an year . After so many treatments and efforts we brought her out of depression . But we had already lost our old y/n  who make us happy everytime . She become cold to everyone even with us too . But after sometime she opened up with us a little . She is the one who took the decision to be the CEO of Kim's and o-our parents also agreed to it . Because they thought it will make her friendly with others . But all went in vein when she become too cold and rude because of her job....Taehyung said as a tear escaped from his eyes.

And the others eyes were already teary hearing about her past.

A-And Jungkook-ahh i really want her to accept you because i know you will bring our old y/n back .I thought she will accept you cause i  had seen some changes in her after meeting you . She already moved on from him but she is scared to fall in love again that's why she reject you... Taehyung again said.

Without wasting any minute jungkook hugged him tightly. Tae also hugged him back caressing his back.

I-I'm sorry hyung.I-I hurt you. I was angry at you for hiding this from us. But now i know how much she suffered. I will never give up on her...jungkook said crying. Don't cry jungkook. I'm also sorry for hiding all this.I didn't know how to say this to you all... Taehyung said

That's okay tae we can understand you... Jimin said and patted his shoulder.

Taekook were still hugging each other.

Now stop you two...ahh kookie stop crying... Hobi said. They all chuckled. Jungkook broke the hug.

So best of luck my brother-in-law.I hope you can bring my old
y/n back... Taehyung said smiling

I can hyung... Jungkook replied and sniffed cutely.

But taehyungaa i have a doubt... Jimin said. What?... Tae asked. Where is her brother?... Jimin asked. I will tell you about him later. Now we should focus on y/n and jungkook... Taehyung replied and smirked. They all nodded

To be continued...

I will tell about y/n's brother later. There is a secret about him. He will enter the story at the right time. Don't forget to vote

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