Chapter : 32

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W-What about oppa? Did he agreed?... She asked. Yes I agreed... Someone said from behind her she looked back and saw Jaehyun standing there with a smile.. Yes princess i agreed. He is the right one for you. He will never make you sad. He loves you more than anything and i saw it by knowing today's problem, he chosed you over everything baby. Now there is no right for me doubt his love for you... Jaehyun replied and hugged her. She hugged back smiling widely.

We're planning directly to marriage without engagement and its after 1 month. We need to invite many peoples... Mr kim said making y/n shocked. Today she got so many shocks from her loved ones . I-Isn't too early?... She asked breaking the hug. Noo baby. We want to see you getting married... Mrs kim said excitedly. You all planned everything without me?... She asked in disbelief. Yes princess and do you have any problem with that?... Mrs kim asked glaring at her. She bite her lips in nervous. A-Ani eomma..I don't have any problem.And....can i talk to jungkook... She replied nervously. Of course baby you can talk to your soon-to-be husband at any time... Mrs kim said. Y/n nodded and immediately dragged jungkook with her.

She entered inside her room still holding jungkook's hand. Jungkook was smiling all the time. He was more than happy after knowing he is going to marry the love of his life. He agreed without thinking anything. After sometime y/n left his hand and turn to face him and glared at him crossing her armss on her chest.

Now tell what is happening?And also what's with this marriage thing?... She asked coldly making his heart clenched thinking she don't want to marry him. B-Baby..Why are behaving cold with me?... He asked sadly. Just answer my question jungkook... She asked again with her cold voice. His eyes got teary instantly . Seeing his condition her eyes widened and immediately hugged him. He also hugged back and cried on her shoulder burying his face in the crook of her neck. Her heart pained hearing his sobs.she caressed his back.

Don't cry kookie..I'm here..why are you crying my bunny?... She asked softly caressing his hairs. He pulled back from the hug and looked at her with his red and puffy eyes. He was looking so adorable at that time. Are you mad at me baby? I'm sorry we didn't asked your permission before arranging the marriage. But don't worry baby i can ask our parents to postpone the marriage... He replied making her smile.

What are you saying ggukkie. I'm not angry with you for that... She said. He got confused. Then what?... He asked. I'm mad at you because you didn't trust me jungkook... She replied. What? Baby i trust you... He replied frowning.

No jungkook you didn't. If you trusted me then why didn't you asked me to help you. You said you will solve this but what you did huh? You decided you leave your career for me. I know you love me jungkook,but i don't want you to leave your years of hardwork for me. I know how much you all tried to be in this great position you're achieved now. You all overcome so many hardships to get in this position. But how can you just destroy it just for me. Do you know how much it will affect your band. Each one of are the backbone of BTS and did you think about the other members they must be feeling sad jungkook. And you should also think about your ARMY's who supported you . You always say that they raised you then how can you just leave them like this. I love you jungkook but i don't want you to leave your happiness for me. I want you to trust me and share your problems with me. So that we can solve everything together. A relationship doesn't work only at the love you had for me but with sharing each others feelings. So i want you to trust me and share your problems to me... Y/n replied wiping his tears.

On the other side jungkook became speechless. He was feeling so lucky to have such a lover like her. She supported him in his worst condition. He again hugged her and pecked her neck.

I'm sorry baby please forgive me i will never do this. I love you so much baby.I don't want to leave you that's why i didn't think twice. I only want you and your love... He said hugging her tightly. I love you too kookiee...she replied smiling.

And Baby you know you were like a roaring lioness in the meeting. Everyone got scared even me after hearing that you're cancelling the contract. I really thought you're going to do that. I can't believe my baby have such a genius brain. You really deserve to be known as the queen of business world. I'm so lucky that i got a such a girlfriend. You are really a beauty with brain... He said making her smile. It's the tactics of business kookie. Only the clever people can survive in this world... She replied chuckling. By the was you didn't tell me you have gun. You know for a minute i got scared by seeing that... He said pouting. Its just..i keep it with me for my safety. Jaehyun oppa gave me that. I never wanted to show it but i really got angry by him shouting at me... She replied angrily. He laughed at hearing her

Then what about our marriage. I really want to make you mine in every possible way... He replied pouting at her. She smiled and pecked his pouty lips. Yes,I agreed to marry you kookie. But only if you take me to date every week and buy me ice creams and chocolates. You know, oppa is so bad he didn't gave me any ice cream by saying that i will get sick... She said sulking. He cooed at her cuteness and kissed her forehead. I will sweetheart, but don't neglect your health... He replied and she nodded her head continuosly. Okay, now let's go baby bun. Our parents are waiting for us... He said took her hands in his. Okiee... She said and left with him

After that they all spend their time by discussing about the marriage preparations..


Baekhyun was in his room throwing everything here and there making the room a complete mess. He also got injuries by the broken glass that were in the floor. His eyes were red and puffy showing that he cried so much.. After sometime he stopped and sat on the corner of the room curling like a ball. He stared at the photos that was hanging on the wall and it was the pictures of whom he loved more than anything in his life. He felt so miserable at that time

Baekhyun's pov

I don't know what to do next. Everything is destroyed.. My plan of making him leave her failed miserably. I don't know what to do anymore. But i want her in my life. I will do anything to get her back . I love you y/n please come back to me. I can't leave without you. I suffered 5 years of my life without you but now i can't do it anymore. And now i realised that you love him that's why you did all this things for him, how can you forget me y/n. Maybe you forget our love, memories and everything but i can't i still love you sweetheart. Just give me a last chance i will make everything alright. Whatever happens i will make you mine. In this life you will be mine, only mine. I'm coming to get you back love

Wait for me kim y/n. I'm coming to get you back... He smirked darkly and laughed like a psycho seeing her photos

To be continued...

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