Chapter : 33

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Next day

Y/n was in her cabin,at that time she got a call from jungkook


Jk : Hey babe..

Y/n : Hai kookie.

Jk : Baby i want to ask you something can i?

Y/n : of course you can kookie. What is it?

Jk : I want us to have a meeting with media and announce about our relation...

Y/n : W-What?... Are you sure?

Jk : Yes I'm sure baby but if you're not comfortable then it's okay..

She could feel the sadness in his voice

Y/n : No. I don't have any problem with that. You can decide the time and i will be there

Jk : Thank you so much baby. I love you so much. Come to xxx place after 1 hour.

Y/n : Okay bunny.. And i love you too

Call ended

y/n reached the xxx place as per Jungkook's address. She saw so many media's vehicles there. It was a conference hall. She walked inside the room and saw all the media reporters sitting there preparing their cameras to shoot and she saw jungkook, ji-won and bang si-hyuk sitting on the chair and there was empty chair beside jungkook.

Jungkook saw her walking towards them with her cold face. He stood up from his smiling at her grabbing everyones attention. They followed his gaze and saw kim y/n entering inside with her armed guards in each side. They all stood up and bowed to her. Kim y/n hold a powerful aura and authority that no one have. She is famous all around the world by her business skill. And everyone respect her.

Y/n wored this

Y/n just nodded and sat on the empty seat beside him.

So mr bang what's the reason behind this meeting?... Reporter asked. We're here to clear about the dating rumour that is imposed on our idol jeon jungkook... Bang pd replied. What do you want to say about that? Is it true that mr jeon jungkook is dating miss kim?...Reporter asked. Bang pd took a deep breath and smiled. Yes it's true. Jeon jungkook and kim y/n had started dating 6 months ago... Bang pd replied. The reporters got shocked and started whispering to each other. By the way the cameras are going live.
How's that possible pd-nim? Your idols are not allowed to date untill their contract end... Reporter said. Yes it was but not anymore. We're allowing our idols to date from now on. They all deserve it and we don't want to invade in their privacy. So Our idols are free to date. And i also hope their fans will take their idols happiness as their priority and will not judge them... Band pd replied.

Mr jeon jungkook what do you think about your ARMYs reaction about this?... Reporter asked. They all love us the way we are and i hope they will support me like everytime they did. I want them to accept my love and support me. My happiness is her and i hope they want my happiness and will not judge me, her or our love... Jungkook replied holding y/n that was on the table. She smiled at him and locked her hands with him

They all got shocked seeing y/n smiling. She never smile infront of anyone as she is known to be cold.

What about you miss kim?... Reporter asked. Everything he said is true and i also want his ARMY to support our love. And don't worry ARMY i will never make your jungkookiee sad even for a second. I will keep him happy as long as I'm alive and i really love your bunny koo... She replied looking at camera and smiled. He too smiled and caressed her hands.

And one more thing ARMYs. This will be the big surprise for you all..that...we're getting married soon because i can't wait to call her as wifeyy. All of you are welcome to our wedding and about the date i will tell you all via social medias. I want all of your blessings... Jungkook said making y/n chuckle.

All the reporters stood up from the seat and clapped for them and wished blessings for them.

Everyone around the world got to know about this. The most of the ARMYs supported them and blessed them because all they want is their idol's happiness. And about the haters nobody gave any shit to them. Now they all waiting for their golden maknae's wedding. Everyone is excited about that..

All the reporters left from there including ji-won and pd-nim only jungkook and was there. Jungkook is now hopping here and there like a bunny.

Yaa what are you doing kook?... Y/n said trying to stop him but he didn't. I'm so happy baby bun. Now everything is normal and our ARMY also support us. I can't be more happy than this. I feel like o won a war... He replied jumping in happiness. She chuckled at him.

Jungkook. Let's go you have practice and i heard that you're working on your new song... She said making him stop on his track. Ohh yes yes. I have. And baby do you want me to pick you after your work... He asked.. No need i can manage... She replied softly smiling at him. Are you sure?... He again asked. She nodded assuring him.


Y/n was in the parking lot going to towards her car. She was alone cause ji-hoon had something urgent so he left early. Y/n reached infront of her car and opened the door and she was about to enter inside but before that someone covered her mouth with a cloth. And she immediately become unconscious.

I got you in my arms again sweetheart. Now there is no turning back. We're going to be one again.... The unknown man said laughing darkly at her unconscious figure..

To be continued....

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