Chapter : 17

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Few weeks later

All these days y/n and jungkook didn't missed any chance to see each other. Everyday jungkook keeps taking her on different dates. But sometimes they couldn't because of their work. But that didn't made any change in their love for each other. About y/n she is no more cold but when it comes to her work she is still that cold and rude kim y/n. Y/n is now more comfortable with jungkook and also with the other members. She is so sweet to them and taehyung is so happy for that. Y/n told her parent that she have a boyfriend now but she didn't tell who is it. They are feeling more happy seeing their old y/n is back. And they didnt had any problem with her relation as long as she is happy.. Y/n told them that she will soon introduce him to them and they are waiting for it.

Y/n also act childish infront of jungkook which make him fall deeper for her. They also goes to amusement park as their date. Y/n really loves going there with him.. And about jungkook, he become more romantic and flirt with y/n making her blush everytime. He loves to tease her. And mainly jungkook is really obesessed with her lips. He always kiss her everytime he meet her and y/n didn't have problem with that she likes to be loved and pampered by jungkook.

It's night time and jungkook and y/n is in a beach now. They're walking through the seashore while holding their hands. The sea was looking so beautyful and the cold breeze was making the atmosphere more euphoric for them.

 The sea was looking so beautyful and the cold breeze was making the atmosphere more euphoric for them

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Gguk what happened? Are you still sad about that?... She asked seeing his sad expression. So the matter is tomorrow BTS are going to Las vegas for their concert and jungkook is now sad for that. He don't want to leave y/n . He will come only after 2 week.Jungkook had already told this to y/n. At first she was sad but after thinking its really important for him to go she convinced him to go and he also agreed but he is still sad for leaving y/n. He asked her to come with him. But she had some important works and it can't be postponed .

He nodded hearing her. She stopped walking and cupped his cheeks in her soft tiny hands.

Don't be sad kook .Your armies are waiting for your performance. And i know you really enjoy your concerts So don't show that sad face again . We can still contact each other in phone . And its only  for 2 week after that we can meet each other . Now smile bunny . I don't like your sad face ...she replied making him smile

I'm so lucky to have you in my life... He said. No..i should be thank to god for sending me an angel like you in my life... She replied and kissed his cheeks..

So princess when did I'm gonna meet your parents?... He asked why are so impatient to meet my parents?...she asked and chuckled. I need their permission... He replied. My parents will accept you but you need to work hard to get permission from my brother. But now he is not here. But he is coming soon...she said making him frown. You didn't tell me anything about your brother why?... He asked. You will know everything once you saw him. He is really a nice a person but when he is angry he is like a volcano... She replied. Is he dangerous?... He asked.

She took a deep breath Yes he is...He is a mafia. But a good one... She replied making his eyes widen in shock. ohh really...i want to see him...He said excitedly. Aren't you scared kook?... She asked. No, why should i? I really like mafia stuffs. And my brother-in-law is also a good one. So I'm excited to see him... He replied.

She smiled at him and pulled him closer to her.. He was taken aback by her action. But he Puts his arms around her waist pulling her more close to him..she smiled before capturing his lips with her and both of them kissed each other passionately.. After some minutes they pulled back by the lack of OXYJIN . But he again smashed his lips on her soft ones and kissed roughly the hell out of her. She was already used to his rough kisses and she really like this side of him and that too only for her. After sometime he pulled back breathing heavily and connected their foreheads together

I love you so much princess... He. Said and kissed her forehead. I love you more my bunny... She replied and hugged him tightly...

Next day

Now Y/n is at Bangtan house to send BTS off

So guys enjoy your concert and take care of yourself... Y/n said smiling at them. We will miss you y/n... Jimin said.mee too... She replied. Sweetiee take care. Don't overwork okay... Taehyung said and caressed her head but it make someone jeonlous. And its because of the name. Umm someone is burning i see... Hobi said seeing jungkook poking his tongue..

They all diverted their gaze to jungkook who was sulking. Y/n smiled and walked towards him. She hugged him and he hugged her back tightly..

I will miss you so much baby... He said and pouted making the others members present there chuckle. Aww i will miss you too kookie.And call me whenever you're free. Because i don't know when you will be free... She replied and pulled back from the hug. Come with us to airport... He said. No, there will be so many peoples waiting for you... She replied. I don't care. They should know about us one day... He said. I know, but not now... She replied and pecked his both cheeks.

The other members left from there giving the couple privacy

Jungkook pulled her more towards him and smashed his lips on her. And kissed her passionately. She kissed him back with the same passion. His hands were wrapped around her waist and her hands were around his neck pulling him more close to her. They both kissed  each other messly. After some minutes she tapped on his chest as he was kissing her non stopped. After some seconds he pulled back giving a peck on her lips..

Lets go they are waiting for us... She said. He nodded

After that BTS went to airport and y/n went to her work.

To be continued....

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