Chapter : 26 ( 18+ )

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Y/n left her washroom after taking a long shower to cool her mind. She was in her bathrobe. She started drying her hair but stopped after hearing some sounds from her window side. She got confused because the mansion is fully under the guards security . she opened her window only to get shocked.

Jungkook was standing there fully dressed in black clothes and a bucket cap on his head. Jungkook saw her and smiled showing his bunny teeths.

W-What are you doing here?... She asked in shock. Baby first let me in... He replied. She nodded and helped him to get inside. How did you get here?. Didn't the gaurd see you?... She asked. No one saw me. And i came here to see you baby... He replied smiling . You can't stay here for longer .The mansion had cameras in each corner they will find you jungkook ... She replied and looked away from him. I don't care. I want to talk to you baby... He replied . About what?... She asked still not looking at him.

Why are you doing this baby? I want to know why you accept to dance with him.I was so much happy to see you there and i had wished to hold you in my arms in front of everyone but by seeing you closer to him makes me hurt y/n and now you're ignoring me. What did i done to deserve this. Don't you love me anymore?... He asked sadly. She immediately looked at him and saw his eyes were teary making her guilty. She didn't wasted anytime and hugged him tightly. He also hugged back.

I-I'm sorry kookie. I didn't meant to hurt you. Its just i was upset. And about the dance i didn't wanted to make him embarassed infront of everyone. I love you jungkook, i love you alot and i will never leave you. He is my past that i never wanted to remember but you are my beautyful future which i always want to cherish... She replied staring at his eyes making him smile.

They stayed like that. No one wanted to break the hug.


Jaehyun was in his room working in his laptop at that time someone knocked. The person entered after getting answer from jaehyun. It was a security guard with an ipad in his hands.

Sir here is the party's visuals...Gaurd said. Jaehyun nodded and took the ipad from him. Soon jaehyun gritted his teeth seeing the video of party. That bastard had the gut to dance with her...jaehyun said with his dark eyes. The guard gulped seeing him. Make sure to get all the visuals and destroy it... Jaehyun said. Sir, Madam kim already ordered to destroy all the footages of the party and it's already done by ji-hoon... Guard replied and jae nodded. And we've have found an another thing a minute ago... Gaurd said making jaehyun look at him.

Sir we caught madam's boyfriend jeon jungkook in one of the camera beside her room's window... Gaurd said making jaehyun shocked. But he just sighed deeply. Don't do anything now and let him go...jaehyun said coldly . The guard nodded and left from there..

Only because taehyung informed me about this,i'm letting this slide jungkook and also i don't want to make y/n sad she is probably wanting you beside her after the party incident... Jaehyun said and started doing his work again.

On the other side our lovers had already started their make out session and also it was hard for jungkook to control after seeing her in just a robe all ready for him to fuck her.

Mature content ahead🔞

He layed her on the bed still kissing her and hovered above her. His hands were roaming above her body curves. Soon she unbuttoned his shirt and throwed it somewhere in the room. He is shirtless now and her hands were roaming on his bare chest and abs.

She patted his chest for breath. His mouth leavs her lips and went towards her neck and started making dark purple hickeys. She moaned. His hands started to open her robe.He opened the robe and pulled it off from her body and throwed it away . She is fully naked as she was not wearing anything under it. He smirked seeing her body.

You're all ready for me to fuck you babygirl... He whispered seductively. She bites her lips and leaned closer to his ears. You can take me however you want,this room is fully soundproof daddy. Just fuck me hard... She replied seductively making him hard just by the words.. He didn't waste anytime and started kissing her hungrily. After that he started to suck her nip#les and squeeze the other one with his hands giving more pleasure to her. She moaned and pressed his scalps with her hands making him hum and suck hard. After making her nip#les red and swollen. He unbuttoned his pants and throw it too. He is fully naked.

He spread her legs and and saw her already wet and dripping core. He entered inside her without giving any warning to her. She gasped and moaned loud.

You're still tight baby... He said growling. M-Move... She replied. He nodded and started moving inside her fastly.He started to thr#st inside her with an inhuman speed. In his every thr#st he keep hitting her sweet spot.Her eyes rolled back due to the extreme pleasure. She was moaning loudly and arched her back by the pleasure..


After 5 rounds he didn't stopped and still thr#sted on her.She cummed many times and he also came outside her. He kissed and sucked her neck in between the thr#st. She painted his back with her nails marks and covered his neck and chest with her hickeys..

After 9 rounds he stopped seeing her legs shivering. After reaching his climax he cummed outside and pulled out from her and layed beside her panting hard. Her eyes were half were closed by the tired and exhaustion.He pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead.

After some minutes he got off from the bed and cleaned himself and her and layed beside her hugging her tightly.

Mature content ends🚫

Don't go now kookiee... She mumbled. I'm not going anywhere sweetheart. And sleep now baby... He replied kissing her forehead. She nodded and hugged him putting her head on his bare chest. I Love you kookie... she mumbled in his chest. I love you too my princess... He replied and soon drifted to his dream world.

Next day...

Jungkook opened his eyes and saw the clock it was almost 6 am. He got up from the bed and wored his clothes. She was sleeping peacefully with a pout on her lips. After wearing his clothes he came to her side and shaked her slowly making her whine in her sleep..

Baby...I have to go... Wake up... Princess... He called her softly near her ears. She whined and opened her eyes a little. He smiled and kissed her forehead and pecked her lips..

I'm sorry to disturb you baby. But i have to go now. And we will meet in your office today...He said. She just nodded in her sleep..

Go back to sleep baby. It's still early.. He said and again pecked her forehead and went towards the window. He was about to go out but he heard her saying something

Drive safe kookie..And i love you... She said with her closed eyes.. He smiled. I love you too honey... He replied and went from there...

To be continued...

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