Chapter : 35

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I know you will love me more than anything baekie... She replied caressing his back Please come back to me baby... He said breaking the hug and stared at her

But i can't give you the same love that you had for me. Once i loved you more than anything but now it changed and i love him, i love jungkook more than anything now. I can't live without him baekie. Try to understand we are not destined  together. He really loves me more than anything and he proved it by chosing me over his career. He worked hard and overcome so much problems to get this fame and popularity he have now Still he decide to leave his 9 years of hardwork only for me baek. He didn't think twice before leaving his everything for me because his first priority is me. You know  when he first proposed me i rejected him because i don't want to repeat my past again, i asked him to move on but he didn't,he still waited for me to accept his love. I also had feelings for him after being with him but i was scared to open my heart again. But he again made me believe in love. He helped me to get my old self back. Please baekie i can't love you. My love is only for him. He own me and my heart. Don't force me to love you baekhyun. You can't force someone to love you back...She replied crying hard infront of him

Y-Y/n..please don't cry. I can't see you getting hurt...Baekhyun said wiping her tears. If you don't want me to get hurt then stop loving me and move on from me. I also don't want you to suffer because of me. Please baekhyun this is my wish.. Please... She replied holding her hands infront of him.

Stop y/n please don't do this... He said crying. Only if you let me live with my love... She replied. Is he your happiness?. Do you really love him?... He asked wiping his tears. Yes, more than anything. Even if its for him I'm ready die... She replied.. Baekhyun stood up from his sit and took a deep breath. Okay y/n I'm leaving you. I only want your happiness. And I'm sorry for forcing you to love me. And also say sorry to jungkook for me. Because of me he had to choose. I'm sorry y/n i bribed park ji-won to do that because i thought he will leave you for his career. But he proved that he truly loves you by his decision. Don't leave him y/n you two are lucky to have each other... He replied making her shocked. But she smiled wiping her tears..

Can i have a last hug?... He asked. She nodded and hugged him
Thank you for understanding me... She whispered hugging him.

Y/n... Someone shouted making both of them flinch hard. They broke the hug and looked towards there. There she saw his brother and lover standing there with a shocked face. Y/n smiled at them making them confuse.

Oppa. How did you find me?... She asked. The bracelet on your wrist have tracker... Jaehyun replied. Y/n make an O face and nodded.

What are you doing with this bastard y/n?... He angrily said and pointed his gun at baekhyun making y/n shocked. She rushed infront of him. Oppa no please... She said and scared seeing her brother's angry face. What the hell y/n. Move away from him, jungkook go and take her out... He shouted. Jungkook was about to go towards her but she stopped him by showing her hands. Stop jungkook. Oppa please stop. Don't do anything please for me.. Leave him oppa he will never do anything like this again.. Please for me oppa, please... Y/n begged showing her teary eyes. Jaehyun got soften hearing her pleading.

Okay.. But if you again come back to her life then be ready die by my hands... Jaehyun said making y/n relief. Baekhyun turned towards her and holds her hands making someone jealous.

I couldn't make you mine in this life but next life i want you to be mine... He said making y/n shock. She gulped hardly thinking about jungkook who was glaring at them darkly.

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