~8~ Routine

381 10 6

Word count: 2370

~~~ Monday, October 11th ~~~
((Y/n)'s pov)


I made breakfast. It may not be as good as grandma Dahlia's, but know I tried. :)
Yours is in the fridge. You still looked tired, just make sure to eat before you leave later, ok?
Don't forget to call Chris today. And don't sleep in too much longer- we've both overslept as it is.•

C:Can I over sleep some more and just call Chris tomorrow?

Corin, we have to get our schedules fixed.•

•C:And come Tuesday morning, we shall.

Corin, no.
I don't want you to be tired. And your truck needs to be looked at.•

C:Corin, yes. ;)
•C:Old reliable ain't going anywhere. He'll be fine.
Seen. 10:15 AM.

The screen shuts off and the urge to rub the bridge of my nose tugs at my attention as I shove the small device in my pocket.

The air was crisp, clean with the edge of lingering rainfall that kept my senses awake and away from the groggy feeling wanting to pull me back to sleep.

The thought makes me yawn - my head shaking.

The morning had started with the background noise that was the title screen to 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl' playing on loop. My frame had been draped over the couch, similar to the brunette. The containers of half-eaten food were still laying on the table when I first woke up - my back almost immediately scolding my choice of rest.

I made the two of us breakfast before getting dressed - having given up on trying to wake the female who deemed sleep more important than food.

Which was rare, for her.

I walk up to the small diner I called home for a few hours every other day or so - the building coated in deep reds and warm toned browns with an angle-trimmed roof and a large sign that read:

Original, family owned diner.'

I pull on the glass door - ignoring the stiff, numb pain left behind from falling asleep on the couch in a weird position.

Oh how the thought of my semi-warm bed back at the dorm seemed wonderful.

But my part-time college work schedule said otherwise...at the very least I wasn't going to be cooped up on the road all day.

"I hope she listens to me..." I mumble to myself, walking in to the mildly warm space of bright cream walls and darker brown tables illuminated by neat, hanging lights.

My eyes - like a few other pairs had already done - fall on a male who was crouched down beside one of the front, window seated booths, his thin frame leaned over a few tipped over cups.

Ice was scattered across the floor - the discarded remnants of drinks lost in miniscule chaos.

"Erith, are you ok?" My question came off as sympathetic, my frame stopping behind him and the male perks up, looking back over his shoulder with a smile.

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