The Abrecome Household

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Cilas couldn't remember what happened during the remainder of history, to be honest he was trying to find out where he had heard about Zodia, he knew it wasn't from his grandmother and neither his father nor his mother ever told him any stories.

Maybe he had heard about it in school and just forgot about it? It was possible, but unlikely, he normally remembered things when it came to myths, all the way down to the tiniest detail.

But this was different, maybe he was young when he heard it, or maybe someone wasn't specifically talking to him, and he overheard it.

"Hey! What's that face for?" Dan asked.

"Nothing, just something about what we learned in history is bugging me" he said, Dan stared at him for a second before Cilas sighed and explained.

"In history we're learning about the myth of Zodia, I remember hearing it before, I just don't remember when, or why" he said, Dan seemed to understand now.

"Well, the myth of Zodia is very popular, especially since they found all those corpses" Dan said looking away from Cilas and instead looking in front of him as he tried to maneuver through the crowds of students going home.

"Why didn't you understand what I was talking about when I asked? were you not paying attention in history?" Cilas asked after they finally managed to get free of the crowd.

"No... I just have advanced history" Dan said, Cilas thought for a second, what kind of school had that? He had heard of advanced math but never anything else.

Cilas remained Silent as he went to his locker, getting his bag and walking toward the exit before he heard Dan yell, he turned to face him.

"See you tomorrow!" Dan yelled, causing a couple people to look at him, Cilas let out a nervous smile and waved before exiting the school, maybe he would like it here. He thought as he walked home, he decided to take the shorter route through the forest.

As he walked through the forest, he felt something following him, he brushed it off though, he always felt like this when he was outside his home, it didn't mean anyone was following him, normally no one was.

The feeling stayed all throughout his walk home, it was only when he entered the gates to his home that it vanished.

Cilas lived alongside all his other family members, except for his aunt, his mother and his father. Everyone in the abrecome family lived in the same mansion though he had never described it as a mansion.

When he managed to climb up the front steps, he looked at the crest on the door. It was in the typical shape of a crest with a blue and red checkerboard pattern as well as a hawk in the center.

He stayed staring at the door before it opened up to a woman with long black hair, pale skin, green eyes, freckles and a beige turtleneck sweater.

"Cilas! Welcome back! How was your first day of school?" she asked, she was his sister.

"It was good, I made a friend" he said as he put his bag on the coat hanger and took his shoes off. His sister motioned for him to sit down at the table, it was a small table, no one really ate together in the first place, his family never really...socialized with one another. That was kind of the unspoken rule of the house, basically 'you stay out of my business, and I stay out of yours type thing.

So, because of that rule the only times the entire family was together was during dinner where they ate in the dining room, so this table was more of a chill table where you could eat breakfast if you felt like it.

His sister gave him a cup of tea and sat down as well.

"So, you made a friend?" she asked, Cilas nodded and sipped his tea.

"This one doesn't set buildings on fire, do they?" his sister said, raising an eyebrow. Cilas sighed; his sister was referencing one of his other friends from his old school...

"She didn't set buildings on fire she threatened to, there's a difference" he said, his sister let out a small laugh before finishing her tea and taking the empty cup and placing it in the sink.

"Esmeralda! What's that smell?" a voice yelled from down the hall, his grandmother entered the room, she had her gray hair tied up in a messy bun as well as pale skin with some small darker spots accompanied with light gray eyes.

His grandmother had vitiligo which was something that ran in the family for generations, his family was actually quite surprised when neither him nor his sister had it.

"Are you making tea without me?" she asked, Emerald smiled and made their grandmother a cup of tea.

"You do realize Cilas can make his own tea, he's older now he doesn't need help" his grandmother said as she rolled over to the table in her wheelchair.

"I love you too grandma," he said as he finished his cup of tea and put it next to the sink.

He knew his sister wasn't always this nice, she would always put on a mask of sorts when she was in public, not a literal one though, a figurative one. She would always act tough and strong as well as sarcastic and rude, and while she was all those things, she wasn't rude or snippy. If he was being completely honest there was only one time where he remembered her being actually mad, it was when their father got arrested.

It was also the only other time Cilas could remember when the entire family met up for an occasion other than dinner.

In fact, now that he thought about it almost his entire family acted differently in public. All of them acted similarly to his sister, strong and rude. As if they were hiding something.

Actually, his father acted the same way. It was as if the entire family was following some sort of protocol... 

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