the full truth (sort of) part two

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Cilas knew what Zodia was, but he had no idea what exodia was, maybe it was the name of some kind of weapon?

Cilas continued reading, apparently Zodia's first occupant was a warrior, and the creature wasn't even called Zodia! That was the first occupants name.

He read even further, the story went into detail about multiple different things about Zodia, her gender, age, race all the way down to her personal history, which was disturbing, but he still didn't see why his family would have this.

Cilas closed the book and put it in the back drawer of his desk, he made sure to bury it under everything before closing the drawer and laying down on his bed, he thought of all the crazy things that had happened that day.

First he woke up in the middle of his practically destroyed room with no explanation, his room was fixed when he returned home, also without explanation.

His hair had apparently turned blue, which, once again, could have been Colson and Carden but the dye they use was always temporary, they had one time dyed esmerelda's hair hot pink and it washed out halfway through the day.

And last of all he fainted in the middle of class, and he highly doubted it was from a hot glue gun burn, so maybe he was allergic to something in the glue? He never had any allergies that he knew about but it was still entirely possible.

If that was the case then he should probably wash the spot where the burn was cilas thought as he opened the door and walked towards the bathroom, he turned on the sink and began washing the area, there wasn't actually a mark where he had been burned, his skin looked a little red but that was all.

After around five minutes of washing his hand Cilas dried off his hand and walked back into his room, Cilas sat down thinking for about five minutes until Esmeralda walked in.

"Come on, we have a guest" she said, Cilas stood up and walked out, following Esmerelda as she walked towards the living room.

When Cilas arrived there, he saw a young woman, probably in her mid-twenties, sitting on one of the couches, she looked almost exactly like Esmeralda except her black hair was tied in a bun and she was wearing a suit.

Her eyes widened when she saw him, and she stood up.

"Hey Cilas! Sorry I haven't visited in a while, I've been busy lately" she said, it was his other sister Selina, most people assumed that she was his mother however they couldn't be more wrong.

Cilas had never met his mother, neither had Esmerelda, Selina may have but she never liked talking about it, so people dropped the subject quickly.

"Why's your hair blue?" Selina asked, Cilas shrugged.

"It was probably Carden or Colson playing a joke" he said, Cilas took a strand of his hair and looked at it again, it did look slightly bluer.

Cilas saw Selina glance nervously at Esmeralda.

"We'll I'll ask them, how about you go have lunch" Selina said, ushering him out of the room and closing the door.

Cilas quickly pushed his ear against the door, he knew that they were going to talk about him, so he tried to listen in to their conversation.

"Okay, so you say that you aren't sure if he's a host meanwhile his hair is literally turning blue? I don't know about you but that Sounds like a pretty clear sign to me" Selina said.

He didn't understand, why would he be a host? And what would he even be a host for anyway?

"We weren't certain yet..." Esmeralda said, Cilas heard Silena sigh.

In The World of New Weston: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now