Bye Selina

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Cilas was dumbfounded, he'd always assumed that his grandmother dealt with all that stuff.

"That still doesn't explain why it took eight years." Cilas said, if he was being honest, he had no idea how this stuff worked, but he didn't think it took eight years.

"After about two to three years I started trying to get your father out of jail by proving his innocence, it's been an ongoing court case for years now." Selina said, Dan shot out of his seat.

"I'm...going to go now" he said before rushing out the door.

"Sorry for scaring your friend away," Selina said, finishing her cheeseburger.

"Why are you trying to get him out?" Cilas said, disregarding what she had just said.

"Why am I trying to get who is out?" Selina asked, Cilas took a deep breath.

"You know who" he said, Selina took a sip of her drink and waited a second before responding.

"Because I can prove his innocence" Selina said, Cilas was left dumbfounded once again, there was no way she could prove his innocence, because he wasn't innocent, everyone that was there saw him kill.

"He isn't innocent, everyone that was there said that he attacked them, there's no way to prove he didn't" Cilas said, as much as he wanted his father to be innocent, he knew it was impossible, there was nothing that would even make anyone consider him innocent.

"Well, what if I told you that there's a small possibility that he is innocent?" Selina said, getting up off the couch and walking outside, Cilas practically ran after her.

"Even if he was innocent, why would you want him to be freed? Do you know how much worse things would be if he was freed? Besides you know no one would believe he was innocent even if there was valid proof" Cilas said as he chased her outside.

"Besides how would he be innocent, are you saying that someone else attacked the group and just told them to say it was Adonis?" he said, Selina got inside her car and looked at him.

"Not exactly" she said before she closed the door and drove off, leaving Cilas standing outside.

After a few minutes Esmerelda came outside.

"Cilas come on, I need you to help with dinner" she said, Cilas walked inside and into the kitchen, maybe helping with dinner would help clear his mind. When he went inside, he saw Carden, and Colson were having some sort of sword fight but with spoons.

"Cilas come over here, I need your help" His grandmother said, Cilas walked over to where she was.

"Never mind, you were too slow" she then said, Cilas sighed, this type of thing happened often, his grandmother would call for someone to come help her, then as soon as they got there, she would say they were two slow and that she didn't need their help anymore.

"What are we even making?" Carden asked, they probably hadn't actually been helping out with dinner, they had most likely been messing around.

"Chicken pot pie" Esmerelda said

"But we had that yesterday!" Colson complained, dropping the spoon he was holding.

"No, we had steak yesterday!" Carden replied, Colson and Carden began arguing which was also a frequent thing.

"Stop arguing, you're setting a bad example" Cilas's grandmother said.

"Yeah Colson, you're setting a bad example for Cilas!" Carden said, Cilas highly doubted that they could set a good example whether they were arguing or not.

Esmerelda eventually made Carden, and Colson leave the kitchen.

Cilas decided to leave after a little while since no one seemed to need help, he didn't exactly know what to do so he went to the library.

Every once in a while, Cilas would head to the library to try and find out about his family's past, however it wasn't that shocking to learn that he hadn't stumbled across anything relating to Zodia judging by how long it took him to find the journal. And the fact he had never looked for anything like it before.

When he arrived at the library, he walked over to the drawer containing the files of the family, he had never looked there before he found the journal, he had always thought it would be like prying into people's lives, which he considered disrespectful considering most of them were dead.

For the next hour or so Cilas looked through the files, he noticed a pattern where at least one person per generation had the reason of death titled as unknown, and in total there were fifteen unknown deaths in the files.

Cilas didn't pay attention to any of their names or other personal information, though he did glance at the images of what they looked like, and one thing struck him as peculiar.

Everyone who had an unknown death, their hair was always some shade of blue. 

In The World of New Weston: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now