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"Cilas wouldn't kill his own brother!" Dan said, Devlin simply continued to walk around the room as Cilas tried to think of something to say.

"How do you know, he's been at the school for a total of two and a half days including today" Devlin said, Dan paused to look at Cilas, who was looking at the floor and hadn't said anything.

"Cilas? You didn't kill him, did you?" Dan asked nervously, Cilas couldn't form the words, so he just shook his head.

"Sure, now if you would be kind enough to leave, I have someone coming that actually set up an appointment" Devlin said, practically shoving him and Dan out of the room, they left the gym after that, Dan still mumbling and complaining about what happened.

When they finally got to the hallway the bell rang and everyone left their classes, Cilas had to fight his way through the crowd to get to Math class where he apologized to Mr. Smith and got his things to go to the next class.

Dan walked up to him at his locker.

"What special do you have?" Dan said, Cilas checked his schedule and responded.

"Library, what about you" Cilas said, he could already tell that Dan had a different special that him because of the disappointed look on his face.

"Art...I don't even know what we're doing" Dan said before hearing the bell ring a second time and rushing to his next class, waving goodbye to Cilas as he entered the art room.

Cilas walked around the school for a little while, trying to find the library, before he found it and went in, apparently you didn't do much other than sit down and read in the library, and unlike the library at his house this library gave off a comforting vibe with the small shelves and bean bags that were scattered everywhere.

Cilas grabbed a book and began reading, the book was about the myth of Zodia, he wanted to find out more about her, he didn't bring the journal, God knows what would happen to it, but he could still use history books from the school library.

He opened the book to the introduction that told him what was on each page or chapter. He flipped to the chapter after Zodia's execution to try and find out what happened after that.

After the execution the queen at the current time, Omara Eleste, took control of the kingdom of Allia, she was devastated, after all her husband had cheated on her with her closest friend.

That couldn't be didn't make any sense, Omara was executed, and her husband hadn't cheated on her.

She later died from the heartbreak, she couldn't handle the sadness of the love of her life and her only friend dying.

Cilas cringed just reading that, true, the files on his family could've been wrong but he had his own file somewhere, he remembered reading it once, every single thing was accurate.

People say that Zodia's curse was released when she was executed, people say that the curse didn't want to have a host that took advantage of married men.

Cilas flipped through the chapter, it was the same thing, the author showing Zodia as a bad guy and saying she tempted the king and forced him to do her bidding, and how she betrayed her only friend and then died, then later on Omara dying of heartbreak.

Cilas had read the rest of Omara's file out of general curiosity, she was married against her will as soon as she turned nineteen, and that wasn't even the worst part, her husband, whose name was Chalice, abused her for her entire life. Up until Zodia showed up, apparently Omara told Zodia what was happening and after that Zodia wouldn't leave her side, not for anything.

Cilas closed the book in frustration, only to be met with Avely's face

In The World of New Weston: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now