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He woke up to someone opening the curtains and letting the light inside, he covered himself with the blanket, trying to go back to sleep. While he had gotten more than the average amount of sleep he still felt as if he hadn't slept in weeks.

"Come on Cilas, it's a school day today" Esmerelda said, pulling the blanket off him.

"I'm sick"

"No, you're not, get ready you have to go soon"

Esmerelda then left the room and Cilas practically stumbled out of bed and put on his clothes before walking downstairs where Esmerelda was making breakfast with his uncle, he had no idea what they were making but he wouldn't get to try it, he was already almost late.

So, he said goodbye and left out the front door, the walk was peaceful for a little while before he got the same sense he always did, the feeling of someone following him, he looked around, trying to figure out who or what was there, there was nothing, so, naturally, he ran down the path until he could see the school.

When Cilas sat down at his desk there were less whispers, or maybe he was just getting hard of hearing.

They were reading that day, he spaced out for most of it though he could remember something from that chapter, something about how the main characters' friends were talking about them behind their back and planning on kicking them out because they thought that they were dangerous.

"Hey...Hey! Cilas" Dan said, snapping him out of his trance, he looked around, class was over, and everyone was leaving to go to their next class, him and Dan were the only ones that remained, Dan was standing in front of his desk with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay? I was trying to talk to you, but you looked like you were in some sort of trance" he said.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine, just some stuff going on that I'm trying to figure out" Cilas said, rubbing at his eyes again as his vision blurred out.

"Is... Is it about the...Ead/Zodia thing?" Dan asked, crouching down and whispering.

"I...I don't know, maybe" Cilas said as the second bell rang and the two of them left to go to their classes, during Math Cilas noticed Felix staring at him, which he was in no mood for, he made a face in Felix's direction, and he looked away.

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Avely, Eleda and Flynn looking his way, Flynn whispered something in Eleda's ear, pointing at him, Eleda looked at him then said something to Flynn and then they stopped talking. 

The rest of class was pretty uneventful, so it wasn't a surprise that Cilas spent the rest of class zoning out

When the bell rang Cilas met with Dan at his locker.

"What do you have? I have Health" Dan said, Cilas looked at his schedule that he had taped to the inside of his locker.

"I have Gym" he said

"Oh. good luck, we are doing some sort of obstacle course, I had to do it, it's not that hard but it's not necessarily fun either" Dan said before running off to his next class as the second bell rang, Cilas sighed, he had never liked Gym.

When Cilas Arrived at the Gym, he noticed the matts and hula-hoops displayed all over the ground with a max of other things, everyone was walking-or running, around the gym, some people were sitting on the sides, including Devlin, who he didn't even know went to class, he assumed she skipped class or something.

He walked over to where Devlin was sitting and sat down next to her.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking notes"

"This is Gym, what are you trying to take notes for?"

"The murder case with the spinster kid, I'm trying to find out what happened" she said, Cilas looked at her notepad there were multiple scribbled down words that were crossed out.





And there were many more that were crossed out.

"Aliens?" Cilas said, raising an eyebrow and looking at Devlin, who was still hyper focused writing more down.

"Yep, I have also considered mythological creatures like the thunderbird, though thunderbirds don't typically harm least I don't think they do..." Devlin said, touching her pencil to her chin.

"Have you considered the burial sites?" Cilas asked before he could stop himself, Devlin froze and turned to look at him as he went to explain.

"On the news it said that the energy in Rome's body matched the energy found in the burial sites, maybe they were connected?" Cilas said, Devlin seemed to look at him for a moment, considering what he just said before scribbling it down in her notebook.

"Alright everyone, sit down in the middle in a circle, we're going to go over the obstacle course!" the Gym teacher, Mrs.Ashref said, everyone sat down in the middle, except Devlin. Who stayed by the side, one of the kids raised their hands.

"Why does she get to sit out?" they asked, pointing at Devlin.

"Because she's recovering from an injury, if you had broken a couple ribs you would have gotten out of gym class too" Mrs.Ashref said.

"Now, we will be going by last names so...Cilas Abrecome?" Mrs.Ashref said, looking around.

"Here" Cilas said, Mrs.Ashref looked at him before writing something down on her attendance.

"And what are your preferred pronouns?" She asked.

"Uhm, any will do" he said, she nodded and wrote more down before going on to call everyone else in the room.

"Alright, Cilas you're up first, unless you don't want to go, which is perfectly fine, you'll just have to run laps around the gym for the rest of class." Mrs.Ashref said, Cilas sighed and got up, everyone else did to, they formed a line in alphabetical order, with Cilas being first.

"Alright, go whenever you feel like it." Mrs.Ashref said, Cilas inhaled and stepped forward, his vision blurred out before going completely black for at least half a minute. Next thing he knew he was at the end of the obstacle course, barely even sweating.

"Great job Cilas, I think that may have been the shortest time I've seen anyone do the course. Now let's see if anyone can beat it" Mrs.Ashref said as the next kid walked up. Cilas sat down next to Devlin again.

What had just happened?

"You look shocked, what happened?" Devlin asked, though there wasn't a hint of concern in her face.

"I blacked out while doing the obstacle course. It was as if I had closed my eyes for the entire time, up until the end." Cilas said, Devlin looked at him as if she were considering walking away from him. Though she didn't move.

"Maybe you just zoned out" she said, turning back to her notes.

"No, no I know when I zone out, everything gets blurry, this was different, I couldn't see at all" Cilas said, Devlin stopped writing and stayed still, most likely pondering what he had just said before flipping to the next page in her notebook and writing something down.

That something was his name

In The World of New Weston: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now