Ahoy, ...guys!?

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This one's a bit different, I thought I'd do a double date with Max + Lucas and El + Mike. This will be in main POV.


Main POV:

El and Max were getting ready together in Max's room while Lucas and Mike were getting ready in Mike's room. They were going on a double date at Scoops. The mall open a little while after it closed from a "fire".

Main POV at Max's house:

"So, what should I wear?" El asked Max, going through the bag of clothes she brought and Max's clothes combined. "Whatever you feel good in! Whatever feels like you. Don't do it for Mike, although he did seem to like the one oufit you wore when we did the sauna test on... nevermind, all I know was that he was practically drooling!" Max responded. El giggled. " Are you ready?" She asked Max, "Yep! Let's go!"


Main POV:

After the boys and girls were ready they rode their bikes down to Starcourt. They all met at the bike rack.

" Hey El, Max, are you guys ready?" Mike asked, hugging El. "Ya, this will be fun!" El exclaimed. " Ya, stop stalling Wheeler, lets go!" Max said rolling her eyes and dragging Lucas by the hand. They entered the mall and headed over to Scoops. " Ahoy ladies! Oh, its just you guys. Dang it!" Steve exclaimed. Steve and Robin got their jobs back after the mall reopened. " Wow! Nice to see you too Steve!" Mike said sarcastically. " Sorry, just trying to get back in the dating game, got to catch the ladies" Steve said checking his hair in a mirror.

" Uugh! You're gross Steve!" Lucas responded. " Says you, seems like you both already caught some ladies." Steve smirked. " Be quiet, or you'll be catching a fist to your face too!" Max threatened Steve. " Okay, okay. What can I get you guys?" "I'll take a vanilla" " USS butterscotch please" " Chocolate" " Strawberry"

After they all had their ice cream they sat down at a booth. They talked about the things going on and had fun. Later that night, El told Mike it was the one of funnest times she has had.


Hi again!! I really, really need some suggestions cuz I'm already running out of ideas like the stupid person I am. Please comment! Also, question, what what would make these one shots better, more Mileven fluff? Or spice? Or both? Please let me know!! Thanks for reading!!
- Fandoms_Unite!!

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