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・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Y/n was laying on top of the hotels roof, rocky layers of debris under her. She had her hands under her head as she peered up at the mixed swirls in the sky. She was listening to all the whooshing sounds the ball of lightning was making, accompanied by soft winds kissing her cheeks. The door to get onto the roof clattered shut and there was one, two, three, footsteps before they ceased.

"Nice outfit." Five nodded while looking down at her, quiet breezes combing through his hair.

She hummed. "Yeah, seemed fitting for the end of the world."

He laughed while taking a seat next to her, and they stayed like that for a while. She sat up, bringing her knees to her chest as she sat.

"Uh... how long do we have left?"

He licked his lips with a sigh, visibly deflating, "A couple of hours." He estimated, "Could be more, could be less."

She was quiet for a few moments, "How'd you know I was up here?"

He shrugged, "When we were younger you were always either up on the roof or in your room when you wanted to be left alone... or in my room, oddly enough."

Y/n laughed while reminiscing. Even when the pair wasn't fond of each other, Five had always been good at reading her. He could usually tell when she wanted to be left alone without being alone. Y/n would usually storm into his room with a book, or some trinket to entertain herself, and take any open seat. She'd stay for a few hours until her demeanor slowly shifted. Sometimes Five could tell when she was over whatever quarrel had occurred, but she still stuck around for a few hours anyways, and then she'd leave without a word.

Sometimes if she was really worked up about it, she would just talk and he would just listen. Five would nod along until she was finished, and they'd shared awkward glances with each other until she left the room looking deflated. Back then their feelings for each other were like a language neither of them spoke yet. They knew it was there, acknowledged it's presence, but couldn't decode what it meant.

"I guess I just needed to think for a bit." She sighed, "I don't think I'm gonna go. I mean, we've ended the world three times now. It's a sign we should just... stop trying." There was a short pause as Y/n nudged Five with her elbow, "What about you?"

"I'm still on the fence. I saw something last night that I was not supposed to see."

"Diego and Lila?"

"No, I saw the old man. He was in his room with someone. He was making some kind of deal." He continued, "Before you ask, I don't what the deal was or who it was with. Everything is a blur, but I know you were there."

"The last thing I remember is you puking in a fake plant and then I woke up in a random hotel room, so."

He laughed, "I woke up in the kitchen."

They laughed for a few more short moments, letting the sound of energy thrumming and winds whistling fill an otherwise silent, yet comfortable moment.

"That story about the bells?" He started, glancing to Y/n and she looked to him, "There's something he's not telling us. Think about it. When has the old man ever been straight with us?"

EVERLASTING , five hargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now