Cha. 004

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Twelve years ago, four clans living in an imperial territory—the Shi, Nie, Fang, and Xie clans—betrayed the empire by hatching a plot against it, sparking an uprising between them and the empire. After paying a price for their betrayal, the four clans vanished from the face of the earth.

With indifference, he listened to the storyteller's remarks. He picked up his cup from the table, raised it to his lips, took a drink, and allowed the warm liquid to flow across his tongue as applause filled the room. Settling the little cup aside, he looked over to the entrance and observed the water droplets falling from the sky and tapping on the ground and roof with a steady beat. He exhaled a silent sigh.

Reaching within his clothes, he removed a silver tael and set it down on the table. He grabbed up his umbrella and placed an open-hair bamboo hat on top of his head before standing and heading towards the exit, unclogging his umbrella and walking into the heavy rain.

He sauntered along the empty street, with very few, if any, people sauntering under umbrellas. He peered ahead without sparing a glance, destination in mind, however abruptly stopping in his tracks in the middle of the street.

He inhaled the fragrance of the rain, listening to the continuous pitter-pattering sound, bringing an oddly soothing feeling down his spine, it felt good, he wished he could remain there but then again, when did his wishes ever come true?

He resumed his journey, getting closer and closer to his destination and when he reached, he ambled in through the widely opened gate with a board sign at the front, stating "Sliver Jade"

He headed towards the front house, spotting a woman in red, patiently waiting under the roof, equally watching him as he took shelter, clogging his umbrella and taking off his bamboo hat, he reeled to her, ducking his head respectfully and saluting.  "Miss Qing."

"It's past curfew," she stated, staring at him closely.

He remained saluting. "I'm willing to accept punishment."

"It's not about the punishment, it's that you learn from your mistake and never repeat it." She expressed calmly, keeping her tone blank. She waved her hand dismissively and he straightened his posture, his vacant raven eyes meeting her less warm ones.

"I know," he retorted. "The storyteller took long to arrive today."

She hissed, unimpressed. "Why do you like those tales anyway, those storytellers say anything to make money. A bunch of liars."

Yes. They did nothing but fabricate.

"I will let it slide today, it won't be taken lightly if it's repeated. Return to your chambers." She dismissed and once again, he ducked his head before reeling on his heels, heading towards his quarters, ignoring the eyes that trailed behind him. She had always had her eyes trailing after him since the very moment he stepped into Silver Jade.

Miss Qing's gaze averted to his ear, "12 years passed, it has never glowed again." she mumbled under her breath, watching him without blinking till he was out of sight.


Pushing the doors of his chambers, Yibo waddled in, placing his umbrella and bamboo hat in the corner.

"Look who it is!"

He lifted his gaze, finding his best friend standing before him with arms bridged over his chest, an unamused expression etched on his face.  "Isn't it the wonderful Yibo,"

Yibo rolled his eyes, heading towards his little bed at the corner, he placed himself on the mattress, silently taking off his black boots.

Huasiang scoffed, "Ignoring my presence, are we?"

Yibo carefully cast his gaze on his friend. His eyes holding nothing, his expression equally having nothing to give away, he placed his elbows on his knees, leaning his body forward, "We are not eight anymore,"

Huasiang snorted. "Thanks for the reminder, as if I didn't know that already!"

"What do you want?"

Instantly, Huasiang brightened like the sun, rushing to sit beside his best friend, throwing his arm over his shoulder. "There's a festival taking place at the palace tonig-"

Yibo immediately chipped in. "Forget it, I'm not going." He shoved the other person off and lay down on the mattress, supporting his hands under his head as he gazed up at the ceiling.

Huasiang pouted. "Come on, it will be fun, Xiao Xing Chen and Wang Zuocheng agreed to join us,"

Yibo's gaze flickered back to Huasiang, scanning him from head to toe. Their clothes were similar, yet different in color, a hakama skirt that flowed to their ankle. A silken crisp shirt that cut diagonally across his chest with banded wrists. Huasiang's was a bright yellow while Wang Yibo's was a dark navy blue and lastly, their hair, never for once let to be outgrown since the day it was cut off.

"Are you going to let me have a moment of peace if I don't go with you?" Yibo grilled in a worn tone and Huasiang shook his head.

"Nope. How can I go somewhere and you're not with me? Come on, we barely leave Silver Jade, it's so dull around here,"

It had always been lugubrious; he liked it.

Yibo sighed, peering back at the ceiling. "We will be out in two months, Huasiang. You can do whatever you want then,"

Huasiang tsked, leaning forward and taking hold of Yibo's wrist, pulling him up to a sitting position. "You can't say no to me, you know how persistent I get,"

Yibo couldn't agree more. He couldn't recall the last time he said no to the other male. "Fine!" He yanked his hand from Huasiang's grip. "If we get caught, it's on you."

Huasiang squealed in rejoicing. "Believe me my dear compadre, we will never get caught with my fantabulous plan. Sneaking out of here is easy, I do it all the time with the others," he patted his chest proudly.

"Anyway, how was the storytelling, why do you always go there to listen to those mind-numbing, outdated tales anyway, nothing is immersing about them. Last time you took me there, I passed out from boredom," he tsked, shaking his head disappointedly, he slipped his hand into his robe and removed a book, throwing it at Yibo's face. "You should read those from on now, the lack of amour in your life is devitalizing,"

Yibo grabbed the book and flipped through the pages, and his eyes magnified at the exotic drawings and paintings. He hurled the book on the floor as if it singed him. He rested back on the bed and twirled his back to the other.

Huasiang cackled, playfully poking the other on the cheek. "You rarely blush and when you do, you look so frail and adorable," he teased.


Huasiang grimaced, standing up. "I despise that word because of you, get yourself prepared, we leave when everyone is dozing or should I say comatose," he grinned widely before matching out of the chambers.

Yibo slowly swiveled, gawking up at the ceiling. Why did he always pursue those storytellers?

Perhaps, he wanted to indulge himself in those lies to truly understand his reality.

No one understood and he didn't expect them to.


Sorry if it's slow, better chapters ahead!


Oh, My Emperor! (Zhanyi Fanfic) - PART 1Where stories live. Discover now