Cha. 013

491 58 17

The princess is dead!

It was like a dream and Yibo jerked up awake. He rushed to put on his clothes and hurried out of his bed-chamber, he followed the little crowd to the guest princess’s chamber, and there, he found a little circle and pushed his way to the front. And there lay the youngest princess lying on the cold ground motionlessly.

Yibo scanned the form. Her skin was pale and clammy and her eyes stared blankly into the void lastly, her limbs were twisted unnaturally, as if she had struggled against an invisible foe that ravaged her body from within—instantly, Yibo was struck with nausea as the air around seemed heavy with the scent of death and decay.

Unable to look any longer, he pushed his way out of the circle and out of the room. He had difficulty comprehending what he saw and as he walked back to his chamber, her lifeless form flashed repeatedly before his eyes like torment. Whoever killed her was cruel.

But who could be bold enough to commit murder inside the palace?


He stood beside the emperor, the guest emperor and his oldest daughter stood before the emperor, dressed in a mourning white while the rest of his ministers were at the side.

“I deserve an explanation for what has happened to my youngest daughter!” The guest emperor roared, eyes shining in rage and hands fisted by his side.

“Indeed. It's quite alarming and vexing that someone was bold enough to commit such a hideous crime in my palace. This will not be put to rest; that's why I've sent the imperial guards to take over the investigation.” The Emperor stated in a serene manner.

At that moment, a horde of guards in uniform entered the hall, standing before the Emperor and saluting.

“Our guests have faced quite an unfortunate event upon their visits to my empire and it's of duty to provide an explanation and make sure the youngest princess's death is not in vain. You can take my word, there shall be justice for your daughter's death,”

The guest Emperor could only grit his teeth. He only came to form an alliance which he not only lost but he also lost his daughter. “I shall hold you to your words then. You must bring justice for my daughter and until then whatever discussion we'd had shall be on hold. I shall take my daughter to be buried,” with a slight bow, he turned swiftly and stormed out of the hall, his oldest daughter shadowing his steps.

Zhan turned to the guards with an air of nonchalantness around him. “I believe I will not be disappointed with your search, officer Ying. Find the corporate; you and your teamed shall be rewarded,”

Yibo watched as the investigation team bowed lowly before the emperor who then rose from his seat  after dismissing his court and left the hall. Yibo turned to follow him but paused when he felt a piercing gaze at the gaze of his head, he slightly reeled his head to find the head Officer Yang directing him a hardened gaze that made Yibo slightly frown but silently followed the emperor to his quarters.


Yibo should have known he had made it to the top list of Officer's Yang's suspects because the next time he met the man, it was right out the main palace gate. He found the man resting against the wall, left leg rested back while he hugged his sword to his chest.

Yibo turned the other way but instantly, the officer was blocking his path with a sly smile on his face. “How may I be of assistance to you, officer Ying?”

Oh, My Emperor! (Zhanyi Fanfic) - PART 1Where stories live. Discover now