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Fuyuhiko POV:

I lay in my bed thinking about what I just did. 'I hugged her. I FUCKING HUGGED HER. I never did that to anyone leaving Peko. Do I like her? No. It must be a missunderstanding. But it was so nice of her to bring me some food from the party. I was hungry anyway and that filled me up. I should return the favor someday. I love how cute and nice she is. ARGH WHAT AM I SAYING. Tch. Whatever. She probably doesn't feel the same. She is nice with everyone.' my thoughts are going crazy. Fuck..

Y/n POV:

Laying with your face down you relax for a little amount of time and slowly fell asleep. Not long after that the announcement goes off but it isn't the morning or night announcement. It's the body discovery announcement... 'What?' you think, paranoid. "Did someone...die?". You grab a hoodie and some pants and head go the place where the party was at. You walk in the dinning room and seeing Byakuya's dead body on the floor. You stare at it in shock. Tears start forming at the corners of your eyes from the tragic moment."Why.."you mumble to yourself. You look down at the ground with disappointment. He only wanted for us to be safe. He did not deserve this. Hajime came up to you and reminded you that he was by your side. You decided to start investigating with Hajime since you need to find out who the killer is. You shake yourself off and get back on your tracks.

After the class trial

During the class trial you found out that the killer was Teruteru the Ultimate Cook. Another one of your classmates dead. It was terrible. You head back to your little cabin and realising yourself on the bed. You had dark circles underneath your eyes and decided to relax for the night. However you couldn't sleep. You were traumatized, beginning to cry from the fear that you'll be next. You felt scared and alone. You grabbed your phone and start texting Fuyuhiko.


Y: Hey. Fuyu? Are you awake??

F: I am now since you woke me up.

Y:Oops! Sorryy! I just can't sleep.

F:Then why are you texting me, dumbass?

Y: Well I was thinking if you wanted to come to my cottage..

F:Uhm sure? Be there in a min.

Fuyuhiko POV:

Y/n just texted me to come over because she can't sleep. I understand she is a bit terrified about the situation so I should hold back. Ill just comfront her for a bit and head back since it's pretty late.

I arrive in front of her cottage door and knock on it, immediately being unlocked by a slightly shorter girl with e/c eyes and beautiful h/l h/c hair. She lets me in and we sit on her bed. Y/n got a blanket that she snuggled up in. We talked for a few minutes and she fell asleep peacefully. I was extremely tired since I got woken up. A loud yawn came from my mouth and I almost immediately fell asleep next to her.

The next morning

Y/n POV:

I wake up feeling very well rested. The announcement didnt go off yet but it didnt have much time left. My back was very warm which is very strange but I decided to ignore it since I thought it was the blanket. That was until I heard light snores from behind me. 'Oh god what do I do?' I thought, panicking about the situation. I turn around not making any noise to see a cute baby gangsta sleeping next to me while snoring softly, barrely even being heard. I try to get out of bed but realize that he was gripping on me like a kid hugging his stuffed plushie. I was completely red and felt sweaty.
The morning announcement went off making him wake up feeling very tired. Fuyuhiko was still gripping on me and I felt brave enough to tell him about. "H-Hey Fuyuhiko?"." Mhm..?" He groans while nodding with his eyes closed." Chould you let go of my waist so I can go get ready?" He jumps and lets you go, a crimson red color appearing on his soft face. He turns away not saying one word. You get up from bed and go to your closet to find something to wear. Today you decided to wear something cute and comfortable.( Some options bellow)

( Some options bellow)

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(I love the last one sm anyway back to the story)

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(I love the last one sm anyway back to the story)

You do your skin care,brush your teeth , all the basics and go back to Fuyuhiko. He was long gone.'Probably went to change' you thought. You head outside only to find Hajime and Chiaki chatting. You go and join them,talking for a bit then going to the restaurant to eat your breakfast.

The room was very gloomy and no one really felt like talking. It was indeed a tuff situation and you hated it. You go to the kitchen to see that Monokuma prepared breakfast. You missed Teruteru's cooking even tho you didnt really liked him as a person.
'Atleast it wasn't drugged' you shrugged and started eating in silence without anyone talking. Then Hiyoko came up the stairs. "What's up with you're faces? We killed the blackened. We are fine now. That guy was weird anyway." You didnt have any conflicts with Hiyoko since she didn't talk bad about you but what she said really pissed you off. " Two of our classmates were killed. Of course we are sad." You say sarcastically bitting on your peace of toast. "S-she is r-r-right H-Hiyoko" Mikan said. " I didn't ask if she was right you big barf."."Gyahhh"Mikan cried at Hiyoko's words. You spoke a little bit to Ibuki not being in the mood to talk. After finishing your meal,you head to the beach to take a nice walk and feel the nice breeze. You suddenly felt someone's presence around you and turned around but saw no one. Untill you got attacked and brought to the ground by a certain person..

A/n: Ooo who chould it be? Take a guess maybe you will be right. Anyways thanks for reading this one too I really appreciate it since I never had anyone read my stories.

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