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It has been a few days since the incident with Fuyuhiko, and you decided that it would be a good idea to take him out on a little picnic near the beach. He didn't have a choice but to agree cause you're too irresistible.

As you were packing your bags with food and drinks for the picnic you decide to wear a beautiful dress/outfit (your preference) to this noon out. You put it on and twirl around, looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror, your hair perfectly completing the gorgeous reflection. You went for a natural makeup today since it wasn't anything too special and it was hot. You grab your shoes and walk out the door with a smile on your face. Fuyuhiko was discharged today and is currently at his cottage.

You arrive at his door and knock on it gently. He opens it annoyed but once he saw you he remained in shock. "Wow Y/n! You look...amazing!" His cheeks turn bright pink as he spoke. You giggle. "Thank you kind gentleman! You look good yourself in that fancy suit of yours." He scratches the back of his neck and turns away flustered. He then locks the door and turns to you. "May I hold your hand?" You smile,take his hand and go towards the special place you have chosen.

After a few minutes of walking and chatting, you two arrive at the location. There was a palm tree with a few coconuts in it and under there was a beautiful checkered blanket that fit perfectly in the shade. You take a seat and start to take out a few drinks you brought. You give Fuyuhiko a glass and pour some lemonade in. You clink your glasses together then take a sip. It was nice and refreshing since some mint had been added. Just how you like it.(Sorry if you don't)

You place some plates of food on the blanket and hum to your favourite song. Fuyuhiko was enjoying your beautiful singing and gets catched to the beats. He looked at you with puppy eyes making you wonder what was going on inside his head. He grabs your cheeks with one hand and smashes his lips onto yours. It was soft and peaceful, and it felt like you've been doing this for hours. The way your lips moved in sinc with his made you ascend to heaven. He was so desperate for your love and mostly nothing couldn't have stoped him.

You pull away and smile. "Thank you.." you say quietly. "You're welcome princess." "Princess? Well if I am your princess then you must be my prince right?" You smirk. "Maybe. Though I'm more of the prince that is a Yakuza and kills people" He winks.
You lean your head on his shoulder and bite a pink cupcake. The sweet flavouring made you make an "mm" as you ate. "Hey! I wanna try some dumbass!" You chuckle and shove it right into his face, covering him in frosting. You started laugh hysterically. "Oh yeah?" He shoves another cupcake you brought into your face. And this went on for a few minutes untill there were none left. You sigh. "Now there aren't anymore! It's all your fault!" He scoffs "My fault? You started it!" He licks your cheek full of frosting and says "You still taste delicious though".

He grabbed your hand and helped you up. Takes his shoes off and walks on the sands. You join him and runs together to the water, only at your ankles. He grabs your waist and twirls you, as both enjoy the ocean breeze. You slowly stopped and leaned closer to his face. He was ready for a kiss but as you got closer, you splashed him with water. He recoiled into the water getting himself all wet.

You giggle uncontrollably. Not long after that he pulls you into the water, on top of him. You stare at him with red blush on yours cheeks. He giggles and kisses you slowly. You melt into the kiss and deepen it a little bit. It was passionate and full of love.

He pulls away and gets up. He tosses his shirt and pants on the beach. "Coming for a swim?" You blush and nod. You take off your clothes and grab his hand.

You both go underwater, you hugging him like a teddy. Once you go up he asks you "Do you know how to swim?" You shake your head and look at him with puppy eyes. " Don't worry dumbass I'll carry you" He kisses your cheek and pulls you on his back. "Ready?" And without responding he started to swim. You laughed happily, enjoying this beautiful moment.


You arrive at the shore and sit on the picnic blanket trying to dry off. You grab your cup and started drinking some lemonade.'Ahh how relaxing' you say closing your eyes. Fuyuhiko sits besides you and steal your cup for a drink. You sigh and place your head on his shoulder. "Look" You open your eyes and see the most beautiful view ever. The sun was setting and the sky was full of pink and purple and orange and ahh so many colors! "It's gorgeous!" You say smiling. "Not as gorgeous as you darling". You blush and punch him lightly. "I love you Y/n" You embrace him "I love you too Fuyu"


A/n: FINALLY I GOT TO POSTING AGAIN.I hope y'all missed me ;). Anywho this was so fun to write. It's just too cute and fluff is always needed. Thank you for reading and cya next chapter!


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