Chapter 15: Plans

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It was the next morning, and Laura slowly flew out of the big wooden shack that everyone there called their sleeping quarters, filled with many wooden bunk beds.

She blinked in the bright sunlight, and heard something unusual. She lifted her hand above her eyes and could just make out a blue-gray helicopter.

Laura gasped and went back into the house, where she landed on the floor.

"Guys! Guys! A helicopter's trying to land here!"

Neo was up instantly, and he looked troubled. A few other people were stirring, and were confused as well.

"Show me, Laura." Neo said.

On her way to show him, Neo was muttering.

"This shouldn't happen . . . did Mark lose his power?" Neo said under his breath.

Neo looked at the helicopter in horror, for it had almost landed. He ran back inside the shack to tell everyone.

"Everyone get up, now! We are being attacked!" he shouted.

Hybrids poured out of the building, getting in an attack formation. The leader, lizard boy - she thought his name was Lee - came first and got ready to throw a fireball.

A person that looked like a guard stepped out of the aircraft, and just as they were about to attack him, a girl that looked about fourteen jumped out of the other side and held up her hands.

"Woah, woah! Hold your fire!"

The girl was clearly a hybrid. She had long, black curly hair, pale skin, and slitted, bright blue eyes, as well as white-and-black striped cat ears, whiskers, claws, a tail, and some of her teeth were pointed. She was a white tiger hybrid.

Lee looked just as confused as Laura felt. "Who are you?'''

"Oh, sorry." the girl suddenly turned shy. "I'm Riley. I'm the new hybrid Drieda brought back."

Riley gestured to the guard, who suddenly morphed into a black-haired girl with very long arms and legs, and a sort of goth-like appearance.

After that, everyone relaxed. It was the spider hybrid that Neo had told her about.

"Drieda, you had us freaking out. And where in the world did you get a helicopter? " Neo said.

Drieda smirked. "Eh, I thought you might like a little surprise. Some guard left the keys in the helicopter, and think he's going to be a little angry. Also, I got some supplies for the war, and picked up Riley. I told them I was taking her to a remote island."

Riley smiled. "Yeah, at first I was scared, but she showed me she was a hybrid and that she came to rescue me!"

"So, what's your power?" Laura asked boldly.

Riley noticed her for the first time and blinked.

"Wow . . ." she whispered. She looked just like a fairy. "Oh, my power is . . ." Riley looked like she was in deep thought. "A bear hybrid is about to come out of that building, and be confused." she pointed to the sleeping shack.

A sleepy bear hybrid stumbled out of it, and was immediately confused. "Wha'?" he said as everyone stared at him, dumbfounded, and then turned back to Riley.

She laughed at their expressions. "I can see the future! Up to ten minutes into it, anyway."

"Neo, she could be very useful in the battle," Lee whispered discreetly in Neo's ear, trying not to be heard.

Neo smiled warmly. "Well, Riley, welcome to the Haven! It's lucky Drieda brought you just now, because today we're going to battle with the Facility."

Riley's eyes filled with fear. "The . . . Facility? You mean the people that did this to us?"

Lee nodded grimly. "Yes. We're going to fight them with our powers and free the rest of the hybrids."

"Okay, I'll help. Let's plan it." Riley said a bit reluctantly.

Neo and Lee chose a select few to come and help them plan the attack. The group included Riley, Laura, Drieda, a wolf hybrid she hadn't seen before, and a few boys. Trudy and Chess were not chosen.

"See you later," Laura said to Trudy, and flew into the private building where they would talk.

On a table in the room was a roughly drawn map of the Facility, and all the land around it.

They all huddled around the table.

"Hmm." Lee said after looking at it for a few minutes. "I think we should go round the back, during the exercise time. That will make it easier to save the hybrids and get out fast. You remember what time it is, right, Riley?"

"Yes. They usually let them out at about three o' clock. Right now it's ten, so we have about two hours until we have to leave, it's a long walk." she said.

"I agree." Neo said.

"Jasmine, what do you think?" Lee asked the wolf hybrid, putting a name to the face Laura had been wondering about.

"I told you, Lee, call me Jazzy." Jasmine nudged Lee playfully.

Laura thought they must be a couple.

"About the plan, I think it's good too, but we should start picking out people to go, and where they should go." Jasmine said.

"Drieda, will you make a list?" Riley asked.

"Fine," she looked annoyed, but picked up a pen and paper anyway.

"Lee, Neo, Laura, Drieda," said Lee, counting off the people. "Riley, Chess, Roan, Trent," Lee said a few other names Laura didn't recognize, but noticed someone missing.

"I can understand leaving Trudy, but what about Jasmine?" Laura spoke for the first time.

Everyone went quiet. Jasmine had a bewildered look on her face.

"They double dosed me," she began quietly. "whenever I go near there I turn into a wolf. I'm not sure why, but I can't go. I'm too unpredictable."

Laura nodded awkwardly, and they went back to planning.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

They rounded up all the chosen ones, and set off for the Facility. Laura had tried to teleport them all there, but it turned out she couldn't take more than two people. They turned down the idea of using the helicopter to get there, because it would draw too much attention, and Drieda was the only one who could morph.

"Hey, Neo." Laura said. "Why can't you wish us all there, or wish we all had morphing powers?"

He laughed. "My wishing powers don't work like that. The scientists put a sort of . . . lock on my power so I couldn't wish for anything but food, but there may be a way around it." he smiled sheepishly.

"At least you have your invisibility."

Before they knew it, they were there. They were ready to do battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Follow, comment, vote! :) Special thanks to EscapedMentalPatient and DrPepperGoddess for giving me the ideas for Riley and Jasmine!


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