Chapter 21: Resurface

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At first the crowd was silent for quite a few minutes. People stared at the stage, stared at the person next to them, and stared at the stage again, with only a few little girls speaking, saying, "Mommy! It's a fairy!" They didn't know what to believe.

Then the whole crowd rose up at the same time, in unison.

"Arrest Mr. Black! Death to the Facility!" Their voices boomed over and over as they chanted, echoing around the amphitheater, and it was almost as if Laura had put a little bit of herself inside of them, as they shouted passionately.

Then everyone else began to chant, even the concert staff and the cat hybrid on the stage beside Mr. Black.

So then Mr. Black decided it wasn't his scene, and bolted for the doors that led outside. But when he was right in front of the doors, two policemen grabbed him by his arms and yanked him back and started handcuffing him.

"Mr. Black, you are hereby being arrested and are being charged for illegal experimentation on children and torture, and for murder, as I can imagine you have many times. You have the right to remain silent, and anything you say can and will be used against you. You'll get a life sentence for prison, if you're lucky." growled the policeman as he handcuffed Mr. Black.

"You have no proof!" he hissed, struggling.

"Is this enough proof for you?" he said, gesturing to the hybrids, who were all utterly amazed at what was happening before them.

"You will pay!" he muttered, but then was silent.

The policeman called up a police car to take away Mr. Black and his accomplices, including the lady who was holding the cat hybrid on a leash, and a few others backstage, who had all helped him and knew what he was planning.

As soon as the cat hybrid was set free, she ran to Chess, and they hugged each other and sobbed. "Rosa . . ." Chess sniffed. "I thought I would never see you again, sister . . ."

Laura smiled at them as she watched happy tears run down their faces. She knew what love felt like, even though she hadn't experienced it much from her parents, even though she tried to love them. She loved Jesus . . . and she loved Neo. She realized this sharply and turned her head toward him. That silky black hair, those beautiful gray eyes, that loving and gentle heart . . . Little bits and pieces of time had come and gone, but she had never fully acknowledged it until this moment. She fluttered to his side and was about to say something to him, but the police officer got all of the hybrids' attention to say something. Mr. Black was almost in the police car.

"I want to thank all of you . . ." The officer's eyes hovered over each of the hybrids, staring some, still amazed at how they looked. "For being so brave in coming here, for facing all of the perils that you faced on your journey, and to speak against Mr. Black for doing these horrible things. However, we need to know where the Facility is, so we can possibly make a cure for your . . ." he paused. "Condition. And also whether there are any other hybrids that were left behind. We also-"

Mr. Black had wrestled his way back to where they were standing, with the officer still restraining him, trying to pull him back to the car.

"Son!" Mr. Black shouted at Neo. All the hybrids turned to look at Neo, awestruck. "I would have expected as much from the rabble, but how could you do this to your own father?" Mr. Black's eyes were full of a fierce, burning, seething, flickering hatred, like the wildest of fires that had gone out of control.

Neo's eyes bored into his father's eyes. Those same gray eyes. "It wasn't just me. It was Laura." Laura flew up beside Neo, superior even though she was small. "She knew to come here. You know why? Because she wants justice and freedom. The things that you know and care nothing about. And I believe she loves me, and I love her more than you've ever loved anything, because all you care about is your own self-gain and power." Mr. Black's eyes still blazed, defiant, and Neo started to walk away, but slowly said something over his shoulder.

"And you will never be my father."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mr. Black was gone, and everything was quiet until Laura was brave enough to speak.

"Neo?" Laura said in a wavering voice. "Is he really your father, and . . ." Dared she say it? "do you really love me?"

He looked at her solemnly. "Yes, he is my father. And . . . yes, I do love you." he gave her a small smile and Laura flew over to him and hugged his neck. Neo gently put his hand on her back.

"I love you too." she whispered.

"Laura," she let go and faced him. "I need to talk to you in private."

"Okay," Laura said.

They soon discovered an empty storage room and talked in there. Laura sat on the edge of a box.

"I brought you in here so I could tell you my life story, about how I became a hybrid." Neo looked at Laura uncertainly, and began. "I wasn't even born yet when my dad - Mr. Black - started trying to make hybrids. When I was growing up, I always saw him doing weird things, making potions and always muttering that 'this was the one' and sometimes even drinking things himself. And then, one day, he slipped something into my mom's drink and when she drank it, started to morph into a bear hybrid, but . . . it killed her." Tears filled his eyes. "After that, he worked even more on the potion, and it was like he didn't even care that she died.

"He started to steal children out of orphanages, the kids no one cared about, and using them as test subjects. It only really worked on children. When I turned thirteen, he had made about twenty of the hybrids, he came to me and showed me them. He said, 'after I make more of these slaves, I will be able to rule the whole world, but since you are my son, you will rule with me. Will you?' I was about to say yes, but I remembered how he killed my mother, and how he had taken all of those children, just like me, and turned them into monsters, and I said no, that I would stop him, and I tried to run away. But he turned me into this, and he locked me up for three years, barely feeding me, I was in the smallest crate, away from all of the others, until Dreida helped some of us escape, and we created the Haven. And ever since then I have been . . . fighting against him." Neo took a deep breath and stared at the floor.

"I'm . . . so sorry, Neo." Laura didn't know what else to say. "But . . . I don't care where you came from. And I don't care who your father is. I love you, no matter what."

Neo finally looked up, and smiled, more than she had ever seen before.

Lee opened the door to the room. "We're going off to rescue the other hybrids, and show the officers where the Facility is. Are y'all almost ready?"

"Ready, Laura?" said Neo.

Laura smiled. "What do you think?"

They had a long way to go, and the journey was not over yet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hi! I updated quick for a change! XD This is NOT the end of the book, so look out for a new chapter coming soon! Have a great day (or night),


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