Chapter 17: Further

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Mr. Black trembled with rage as he picked up a large piece of glass off of the floor, but he quickly threw it back onto the floor, shattering into splinters in the muddy DNA mess. He whirled around to face one of his guards beside the experimentation room. "Who did this?" he demanded.

"Er . . ." said one of the guards nervously. "The hybrids did sir. Before they . . . left."

"What?" Mr. Black's glare pierced them. "You let them leave?!"

"We did put up a fight, sir. But there were . . . hundreds of them." The guard gulped. He was stretching the truth. "You must have seen the others outside. They fought mercilessly."

Mr. Black walked up to the guard and looked him in the eyes. "You lie." he growled. "What I saw out there was a bunch of cowards! You were fighting against children and you couldn't win?"

The guard was speechless. Mr. Black, angered by his silence, grabbed his gun out of his hands and shot him in the thigh.

"Ahhhh!" The guard groaned and slid to the floor, holding his leg, tears leaking out of his eyes. The other guard, wide-eyed, started slowly inching toward the exit.

"Well?!" Mr. Black yelled at the other guard, "Clean up this mess!"

Mr. Black stomped out of the room and into the hallway. "You may have won this battle, but you have no idea what I'm capable of." he whispered to himself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When the party got to the Haven, everyone was happy and cheering . . . except Laura, trailing behind them all.

"Laura!" Called Trudy, running up to her.

Laura looked up and was surprised to see Trudy how she looked the first time she met her, in the Facility. "Trudy, how did-"

"Great, right? They made a potion for me and it worked!" Trudy flashed a grin, revealing some of her pointed teeth. "I'm not double dosed anymore and-" she saw how sad Laura looked. "What's wrong?"

Laura's eyes brimmed with tears. "Benjamin, we . . . had to leave him behind to set free the hybrids . . . and a man gave him three doses . . ." Laura started crying. "It's all my fault . . ."

"Benjamin . . ." Trudy said softly and sadly hugged Laura as best she could. "Oh, Laura. It's not your fault. You had to save the hybrids. You didn't have a choice."

She wiped a tear away and sighed, looking over at the celebrating hybrids. "He gave up everything for us . . . I just wish I could've known him better."

A great cheer rose from the crowd of hybrids that had stayed behind when they saw all of the new hybrids they had set free.

Neo wished up a grand banquet of food, and everyone started eating, some hungrier than others, because they didn't feed them much in the Facility. There was happiness in the air, and joy in everyone's heart.

Neo moved over to Laura and got beside her. He held her tiny hand as she was hovering. "I'm sorry about that boy . . . was he a friend before you came to us?"

"Yes. But - I have a plan!" Laura blurted out, embarrassed.

"You do?" A spark of hope lighted in his eyes, like a flashing ember in the ashes of a burnt-out fire. Such beautiful gray eyes . . .

"Well, now that we've set free the hybrids, what now? We can't live here all our lives, the things the Facility did was unspeakably wrong, and this has be righted. We should show ourselves to the world. Once we do, everyone will know this is wrong, and the Facility will be destroyed. We have to rise up. We have to fight!"

Some of the hybrids stopped eating, because they had heard what Laura said.

Neo nodded. "Laura, that could work! I think I know of a concert in Utah, Salt Lake City. A few of us could go there, get up on the stage and tell all of the people what happened to us!"

More hybrids were listening in agreement, some saying it openly.

"But what about the Facility? Won't they come after us once they know where we are?" A voice from the crowd called.

"If the crowd agrees with us, and understands, we'll be safe. It's definitely going to make news, and people will be wondering." Laura answered. "But once we do this, we can't go back. It's either safety in hiding, or possibly danger in the open." she glanced at Neo. "Can we do this?"

Neo thought. Laura was right, this was what had to happen. Not just for their sake, but for kids all over the world who were in danger of the Facility snatching them and horrifically experimenting on them as they had done with the kids in the Haven. "Yes."

Most of the hybrids agreed, and it was settled. They would leave in two weeks, after some training and preparing, to tell the world of the Facility. And hopefully put a stop to it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hi, my Little Hybrids! :3 Sorry for not updating sooner, but now that school's out, I have more free time to write!! Yay! Love, peace, and Jesus,


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