Going back

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Harry POV

"No Ron I don't like living alone but I can't live with you either"I paused waiting for his reply but he just looked at me. "it's just it's very awkward around Ginny now after we broke up, besides she still thinks I'm unreasonable" he sighed in defeat and stood up.

"I am worried about leaving you here all alone mate" he said slowly and I tried to crack a smile but failed. "it's okay Ron, you and Hermione always come over and you never let me alone" I said and he nodded.

"At least spend the weekend with us"he said and I nodded agreeing to the idea."I will get back to the burrow now"he said and I nodded again walking him to the floo of that dark house.

After the war Ron and Mrs Weasley insisted that I go live with them in the burrow. I agreed at the beginning but I reconsidered it because I broke up with ginny after the war. I don't know but something felt off about our relationship and she always wanted to travel and attend quidditch matches and do stuff but I lost my passion for almost everything.

Not only Ron and Mrs Weasley insisted on me living with them but Remus and Sirius too. they were traveling to France because they didn't want their son to be brought up in that place so they asked me to go and live with them but still I am not very stable now.

I sometimes wake up screaming and paining, Sirius had just given birth to teddy, I don't want to be a bad influence on him. so I refused their offer after a lot of insisting. I chose to live in Sirius's old home grimmauld place.

Every one said no about this decision, I can't live in this dark place alone but I think it's for their good. A sound came from the window brought me out of my thinking. I looked quickly to see brown owl standing there with a letter wrapped around her leg.

I opened the window and took the letter noticing Hogwarts red seal and frowned in confusion. I let the owl have some treats while I took the letter and opened it.

Dear mr potter,
We want to inform you that we want you to come back to Hogwarts to retake your 7th year again with some of the students who didn't have the chance to attend it.
If you're willing to come back, you know when the term begins we will wait for your owl.

Minerva McGonagall

I can't describe what I am feeling after reading this. Another owl came rushing from the window and another letter landed on my lap.

Harry,Did you receive McGonagall's letter? If you did come to the burrow I am there.


I read it and sighed out loud, I don't know, I have mixed feelings about this. Hogwarts has always felt like home but I don't know if I am able to go back to that place again after what happened. I went to the floo to go to the burrow as Hermione asked.

Hermione POV:

"Harry"I exclaimed as he walked out of the floo and didn't take a lot to reply to my message. "hey Hermione"he said kissing my cheek and I smiled happily back at him."Hey mate"ron said and he smiled at him.

"Harry" Mrs. Weasley said hugging him and checked on him as usual. He smiled and hugged her back, "hey harry" Ginny said coming downstairs after a while and he nodded his head smiling awkwardly.

"Now what?" He asked confused and I took both men hands leading them to the back yard."I think we should go back" I said and Harry's face fell. "do you think it's a good idea for Harry" Ron asked carefully looking at Harry's expression.

"I want to go back"Harry said and joy washed over me. We hugged him together and he smiled softly,"Are you really okay Harry?"I asked and he nodded,"I've always thought of Hogwarts as my home. I have a chance to go back now maybe it's good for my mental health" He said and I smiled sadly at him.

"Semester starts soon let's go together tomorrow find our needings and also ginny wanted to go get her things anyway" Ron said and Harry looked wary for a moment but then agreed.

"I will go back now" Harry said,"let's go there all together and watch a movie then go tomorrow from there" Ron said and Harry agreed happily smiling.

"Let's go boys"I said grabbing both of them,they chuckled while entering the floo.

Harry POV:

"I will make dinner you go pick a movie"I said and they nodded walking to the living room. I've always loved days like this,we just spend time together without doing anything.

I decided I will make roasted chicken breasts, I started cooking without magic. I liked doing it like that it always felt great. I walked to the living room to announce that the dinner was ready and Ron was all over Hermione's face that he didn't even notice I entered.

"Ehm love birds, I hate to ruin this but we have to eat" I said and they both separated quickly flushing red. I smiled at how adorable they're."she provoked me mate" Ron said smiling awkwardly, "Ronald!" Hermione slapped his arm playfully.

After dinner I excused myself to my room to sleep, of course I didn't want to sleep but I wanted them to spend the night together without any of the Weasley family trying to get on their way. They still think that Ron slipped Hermione a love potion or something.

I chuckled while turning to my side remembering when Hermione was very jealous because Ron started dating lavender on our sixth year. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

"Harry wake up for fuck's sake you slept before us" Ron shouted from outside and I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the light,"I'm up ron" I slightly raised my voice and went to the bathroom to take my shower.

"Are you ready?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen and Hermione was making breakfast."minutes and it will be done and good morning" she replied smiling at her very delicious work."good morning Hermione,did you sleep well?" I asked smirking and they both blushed furiously.

"Okay okay I will stop let's go now"I said after we finished eating and teasing them, of course I won't let it go easily. As we arrived to diagon alley warm memories started hitting me.

I remember coming to this place with hagrid for the first time not knowing that there was something called magic."let's go this way harry"Ginny's voice dragged me out of my thoughts and I smiled at her simply.

When we were crossing the street my eyes caught glimpse of a blonde hair. My heart dropped for a moment then it wasn't seen again. It felt like I saw someone I know very well.


And why my heart is racing like that!

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