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Draco POV:

Dark stupid room, how did I even get here! I can't remember and I am losing my shit these days. mother has been trying to reach me but I am not living with her sister that's ridiculous. me a Malfoy who always keep his pride.

I understand why we ended up like that,That fucking man deserves it. I can't take it how they took all of our belongings away and now mother leaching on her sister and me on that dark room in some kind of inn.

I heard a loud crash on my window that took me out of my thinking. I walked there and Opened the window and took the letter from that stupid owl. I examined the letter with my eyes and it has Hogwarts red seal on it.

I opened it slowly

Dear Mr. Malfoy

We want to inform you that we want you to come back to Hogwarts to retake your 7th year again with some of the students who didn't have the chance to attend it.
If you're willing to come back,we will wait for your owl.

Minerva McGonagall

I read it all over again and again. Me! back to Hogwarts. I don't wanna go back to that place, my life now isn't the best but going back to Hogwarts could be a living hell.

"Mother"I shouted as I arrived at her sister's house."come in draco"she said as she opened the door and I shook my head and walked to the small garden.

"What is it draco are you okay?" She asked and I nodded slightly. I didn't feel the light and the green areas for so long. it felt like I was grounded. I wanna have a normal life for once, living with father was a living hell and even now is much more.

"Mum I am going back to Hogwarts" I said after a long silence I know I am going to hell by myself but I can't live like that anymore, besides I can just avoid people.

"What?"she asked and I can see panic in her eyes,"McGonagall sent me letter saying come back to Hogwarts to retake your seventh year that was in the war and I will go"I finished and she was stunned.

"You're really gonna go back to that place"she asked with concerned tone,"do you have any other choices?you don't know what kind of place I am living in right now,so save your concern please"I spat angrily.

"It's okay, do what you think is the best for you but remember to visit me okay"she said and I know how sad she feels but I couldn't bear living like that anymore mum I am sorry.

I went back to that place and wrote a confirmation letter and sent it back, I decided to go to sleep so tomorrow I can go buy what I need for school.

I woke up early that day or I didn't actually sleep because I was very anxious about going to diagon alley after all that time. I dressed up and went there on foot I have no floo on that fucking place.

I walked there and remembered when I first came there and how my state now. I tried to contain how I feel. Malfoys aren't allowed to have feelings it's for the weak.

I let my tears flow down my face. I don't want to be a malfoy anymore. It's a shame having to live with that fucking bastard who called himself father.

I wiped my face and tried to bottle up my feelings. I went through streets looking at things if it were back then, I would have bought the shops and people too.

But I don't have any money, will I just go back to Hogwarts looking like this. I went to a robes shop that they owe us money and asked for a black robe .

Their horrified look while making it, made me hundred times anxious to go back to Hogwarts. I went out and my eyes caught a mop of black hair. I know who's hair is this, I watched it for years.

It's saint potter for sure,my heart rate raised and I marched to hide, dammit Draco why do you have to hide. I sighed and looked carefully if he's gone so I won't pumb into him.

I went back to that inn and threw myself on the bed thinking of what would have happened if harry saw me in that state and why would I even care if he did.

Harry POV

"Hermione do you know if Malfoy is returning as well or not?" I asked Hermione after we went back to the burrow. "I don't know besides why are you asking about Malfoy again" she replied raising her eyebrows.

I found myself blushing over her raised eyebrows and tried to avoid the tension."I think I mistook someone for him today, besides what's wrong with asking about him?"I answered with the same energy trying to hide my nervousness.

"Thought you forgot about your obsession with Malfoy mate" Ron said and Hermione chuckled nudging him."I mean he has a point there" she said and my ears turned red.

They have been teasing me about this obsession with Malfoy. I am really not obsessed it's just we have been enemies for so long and I need to be prepared for him.

After their trial I never saw him again. He never talked to me again after that day. I can't deny that I liked how we was enemies, it meant that not everybody liked the famous Harry Potter.

His mother spoke to me after the hearing, she said you saved us, you saved draco, but he was saving me my entire life. I never wanted fame and he always treated me normally and that's what I needed.

"Haarrrryyy" I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my name."yes Hermione" I answered and she eyed me suspiciously."Are you alright?"she asked and I nodded. She gave me her best unbelieving look and went back to her conversation with her boyfriend.

After dinner I went back to grimmauld place of course after tons of pleading from Hermione and Ron to stay the night their but I wasn't mentally stable after seeing Draco and getting back our memories.

I still feel guilty for hexing him. I almost killed him. I climbed into my bed feeling sick of myself. I never meant to, acting impulsive isn't like me at all but I was scared.

I tried to sleep since we have to go back tomorrow and I am tired as hell. Sleep wasn't coming my way anytime soon but I tried at least.
I'm sorry for dropping this but I lost my passion and I'm trying to be back so yeah.

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