Platform 9¾

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Harry POV:

I woke up and dressed as slowly as I can. I don't know why I was doing this but I was scared. I don't wanna face the wizarding world again as the famous Harry Potter. I've always wanted to be just Harry.

Is it too much to ask? I finished dressing and preparing my things and apparated there. I met with Hermione and Ron and the rest of the Weasely at the station.

We stood there to cross the wall and pass to platform 9¾. I remembered my first time seeing this platform and not believing my eyes that something like that existed.

We said our goodbyes and went on the train. Ginny left us and went to sit with her friends. I felt tired since I didn't sleep well and rested my head at the window.

"Ron calm down, I think you can sit here it's okay"I heard Hermione's voice and opened my eyes to see Malfoy standing at our compartment with his head down.

"What is it mione" I said while eyeing the now very thin Malfoy, his grey eyes have dark circles around them, lack of sleeping as I assumed. He was always taller than me but he's now sick thin.

His hair touching his shoulder now and it's not silked back as it used to be."Malfoy can't find an empty compartment so he asked to sit here but Ron" she said and paused looking at her boyfriend.

"It's for you Harry"he spate looking disgustingly at Malfoy. He was keeping his head down all the time. That's not the Malfoy I know, he never let his head down ever.

"Let him be Ron"I said and that's where Malfoy raised his head and locked eyes with me. My heart rate raised as his grey eyes met mine.

Draco POV

As Potter woke up and allowed me in, it was my first time after the trial to look into his eyes. His emerald green eyes were looking through me. It wasn't pity, he was concerned? I don't understand.

I just sat down after what felt like ages staring at the person I always hated. My father always compared me to him and asked why wouldn't I be a hero like him.

I never knew if I wanted to be him or I wanted to be with him."hey Malfoy we arrived" Granger soft voice dragged me out of my strange thoughts about potter.

Guilt hit me because her soft voice and soft facial expressions towards me even I was an asshole to her my whole life. "yes thank you Granger" I said and went out to change into my robes.

I noted apologizing to her and Weasley later but potter I don't think I have the courage to talk to him now. I stayed at the back as I don't want to take the carriage with anyone.

I caught glimpse of the last person I wanted to see. I got on the last carriage with Potter and he was alone without Weasley and Granger. I tried to avoid his eyes but he was staring at me.

Harry POV

As Ron and Hermione got on the carriage, luna and Ginny hopped in leaving me standing there,"Harry sorry I didn't see you, I can go on the next one" luna said smiling her dreamy smile.

"No no you can go with them, I will take the next one" I said and Hermione looked at me concerned. "it's okay just go"I said and the thestral marched to the castle.

I think everybody can see them now. I remembered what happened at the war and tried to avoid the guilt I feel towards people who lost their family members such as my best mate Ron.

I hopped on the last carriage and here came Malfoy again. I can't believe how different he looks now. Thanks god that we're now back at Hogwarts and he can eat well.

I found myself staring at him. I took my eyes away and tried to avoid him. "How are you doing lately Malfoy" I asked trying to break the awkward tension.

"I'm okay don't worry about me" he replied but I don't find any sarcasm in his voice as it used to be."you look like you're going to be sick" I said and he shook his head denying.

"Told you I am okay"he said and looked away and we stayed silent the whole way to Hogwarts. We parted ways at the door of the great hall but to get reunited again at the eighth year table.

Their sat Ron and Hermione with luna, Neville, Dean and Seamus and some people from other houses. I didn't find any other Slytherin except from Malfoy. I sat down with my friends still following Malfoy with my eyes.

"Attention please" McGonagall started talking since she's the headmistress now."First welcome back to Hogwarts, There's a few things changed this year such as having a new headmistress, and we're having the eighth year here to retake their seventh year which they didn't take due to the war"she finished but then completed again,

"Since they're from different houses and they're not a lot of students, we chose to separate them from other houses tables and dorms" she finished and announced the beginning of the feast.

I glanced at Malfoy and he was barely eating. It's really difficult for him I can understand. After dinner we went to the new dorms. It had neutral colors and the common room was similar to our house's one.

Draco POV

After McGonagall finished her speech the feast began. There were foods that I didn't see for months but I feel like I am being watched. Everybody is looking at me like I am a freak or something.

Potter didn't take his eyes off me but the strange thing is he always watched me but he had doubts in his eyes but now I only see concern. I don't know why he's concerned about me but somehow it gave me peace.

I stayed back this Time too so I don't talk to anybody on my way to sleep, but as I entered our new common room I saw Granger at the fire place reading by herself.

I was about to go to the boys dorms but she smiled at me. She's a fairy I swear, I made her life miserable and here she is smiling at me. I feel more guilty now.

"Can I sit here?"I asked motioning to the pillow beside her and she nodded simply."I wanted to apologize for what happened before. My father he is the one that convinced me that muggles borns are mud blood, I never wanted to be an ass but being compared to how perfect you and Potter were, always made me sick" I finished and looked down.

Why do I feel so comfortable talking to her. Was it always like that but I was brain washed to hate her and Potter."I don't know what I am feeling right now but I think everybody deserves another chance and sure you deserve it the most" she said and I felt at ease that she didn't refuse it immediately.

"But I want you to apologize to Harry and Ron as well"she finished and I nodded "I was going to anyway but it felt easier talking to you first since you're the smartest"I said chuckling and she smiled back.

"Now you're the old Malfoy I know" she said and I smiled at her then talked about the book she was reading a bit before both of us went to bed.

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